Category: Trump hatred

Has The Left Reached Peak Viciousness Yet?

     It doesn’t look like it:      Far-left MSNBC columnist and radio host Dean Obeidallah said that Trump, “must die in prison,” to send a message.      “I think Donald Trump must die in prison because I don’t care if he was 45 years old. You should get life in prison if you attempt a …

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     Utopia is not one of the options. — David Bergland      This is likely to be a ramble, but it addresses one of the most important of all axioms in…well, in life, so I hope my Gentle Readers will bear with me for a few hundred words.      Every human being engages in a …

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Peak Lawlessness

     According to this article, Donald Trump, the 45th president of these United States, expects to be arrested on Tuesday:      Numerous leaks have reported Trump will be charged next week in New York City in the Stormy Daniels case where he has been accused of paying Daniels as part of a confidential settlement before …

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As Long As We’re Talking About Hate Groups

     …some even have their own TV shows: Joy Behar says the residents of East Palestine got what they deserved because they voted for Trump. “That’s who you voted for!” she shouted at the camera. “In that district. Donald Trump, who reduces all safety. He did in those days.” — Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) February …

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Still Not Convinced We’re At War?

     If you don’t believe me, believe him:      Joe Biden made a bizarre and passive aggressive comment targeting “brave right-wing Americans” Tuesday, during an political rally in Pennsylvania touting his latest gun grab….      Rather than attack Republicans in Congress who might oppose the initiative, Biden mocked all conservative Americans who support the Second …

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Authentic Convictions: Where They Aren’t

     Many in the Right were surprised and worse when a veritable legion of “conservative” commentators reacted with dismay to the ascension of Donald Trump to the Republican nomination for the presidency. For some of that number, their objections approached rabid, frothing-at-the-mouth fury. Those selfsame commentators followed their dislike of Trump with a peculiar dislike …

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Trump Haters So Deranged They Now Unwittingly Align With Him

There are many irons in the fire incentivizing citizens to relinquish their rights bit by bit. The following provides a simple observation over the effectiveness of one tactic: fear. I don’t know if any reader will gain any use from this odd insight, but I felt compelled to offer it anyway. Just maybe the uncomfortable …

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Behold The Chronic Version Of The Disease

     What disease, you ask? Trump hatred, of course:      The breaching of the Capitol happened because of a conspiracy theory: that the election was actually won by Mr. Trump but stolen from him by bad people. That theory hasn’t gone away, it’s growing and spreading. What might be called the Trump Underworld—the operatives, grifters …

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