There is already a bill in all sovereign states belonging to the United States of America. It’s called the 2nd Amendment to The Constitution. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Meaning every able bodied male over a certain age is automatically a member of the militia, subject to a “Call to Arms” to defend his country, state, county, city, against all foes foreign and/or domestic.
Due to this his right to “Keep And Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed”…
This amendment is in place for the sole reason to protect the country, state, county, city, and individually, from exactly what our elected government is pulling now….
It is in place to keep a tyrannical elected govt from enslaving its people……
We do not need more laws, we need to abide by the laws already in place and hold elected officials accountable when they themselves violate those laws……
I disagree.
Yes, the right exists. But it is widely ignored by the Federal government, in ALL branches.
The individual states need to draw the line. Here. Now. Without apology.
I’m of the belief that the Leftist forces are DEEPLY frightened by any hint of state pushback. With a substantial part of the ACTIVE military, the governors can afford the risk. Those National Guard ‘part-timers’ have racked up many hours in actual combat. Unlike those in other eras.
In a pinch, they will go with an authority they know and respect. That’s the state they originate from, and have ties to.
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Curmudgeon Emeritus, Fran in the third person, with extra sarcasm.
There is already a bill in all sovereign states belonging to the United States of America. It’s called the 2nd Amendment to The Constitution.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Meaning every able bodied male over a certain age is automatically a member of the militia, subject to a “Call to Arms” to defend his country, state, county, city, against all foes foreign and/or domestic.
Due to this his right to “Keep And Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed”…
This amendment is in place for the sole reason to protect the country, state, county, city, and individually, from exactly what our elected government is pulling now….
It is in place to keep a tyrannical elected govt from enslaving its people……
We do not need more laws, we need to abide by the laws already in place and hold elected officials accountable when they themselves violate those laws……
I disagree.
Yes, the right exists. But it is widely ignored by the Federal government, in ALL branches.
The individual states need to draw the line. Here. Now. Without apology.
I’m of the belief that the Leftist forces are DEEPLY frightened by any hint of state pushback. With a substantial part of the ACTIVE military, the governors can afford the risk. Those National Guard ‘part-timers’ have racked up many hours in actual combat. Unlike those in other eras.
In a pinch, they will go with an authority they know and respect. That’s the state they originate from, and have ties to.