That movie always makes me cry. I’m at the point when the President – a guy who, although a movie star, really ACTS like a President – is giving the speech that precedes the attack. He talks about how humanity will NOT go quietly, will NOT lie down and die. Very different from today’s “leaders”, who expect us to be sheep, lining up for shearing (or worse!).
I really don’t believe that The Left know just how many of us are out there. The old and tired, the young and untested, the veterans, the never-in-combat ones, even those who – technically – are not Americans – all of us who are determined not to give up our freedom without a hell of a fight.
And, likely, not even then.
They just cannot imagine it. Imagine someone willing to kill/die rather than live like a slave. Rather than give up the essence of what citizenship means. To be willing to die on their feet, rather than live on their knees.
That’s what we are.
Free men and women. Descended from others who risked it all to possess that freedom.
God help them if they continue to stand in our way.
God will have to help them, for I certainly will not.
Re: “They just cannot imagine it. Imagine someone willing to kill/die rather than live like a slave. Rather than give up the essence of what citizenship means. To be willing to die on their feet, rather than live on their knees.”
Like rust, tyranny and those who would practice it, never sleep. Eternal vigilance is indeed the price of liberty. If the last eighteen months have taught us anything, haven’t they taught us that letting down one’s guard – even for an apparently “good” cause – is to court disaster?
Too many Americans now believe that it is the job of the government to “keep us safe” from all of life’s travails, whether real or imagined. This is false. It is supposed to be the job of the government to secure our liberties and protect our freedoms. As Benjamin Franklin warned us so long ago, the promise of safety in return for liberty is a false one. Life is a contact sport, and no one gets out alive.
It is a measure of the hubris of our would-be rulers that they believe that a cadre of a few thousand influential and wealthy people can literally takeover the world and everyone in it. They’re going to find out the truth of that old soldier’s aphorism that no plan survives contact with the enemy.
I thought I was the only one who cried watching Independence Day! And I’m not really a big crier.