Finally Woke Up

It did take more than 1/2 of an iced coffee to manage it.

I’m well into the AEP season (Annual Enrollment Season). Fortunately, it ends about 2 weeks before Christmas, so I’ll still have time for decorating, sending cards (one of the most cost-efficient ways to keep in touch), and buying gifts. I’m going to try to handle most of the gift-buying online, with pick-up at the store. That will eliminate the issue of gifts on the portch, and the possibility of their being taken.

I’ve been enjoying the Elon Musk imitation of Conan the Barbarian. The Twits of Twitter though they HAD him, by forcing him to court to keep him from backing out of his purchase. And, the Executives on high thought they would be able to leave, golden parachute intact.


Elon understands the meaning of firing ‘for cause’. It negates that gentle descent to Earth. Worse, he is uncovering the documentation that they deliberately:

  • Lied about the financial stability of the company – that’s what is meant by bot-inflated followers and other artificial means of making their selected Blue-Checks look successful.
  • Used non-necessary and politically motivated means of clamping down on dissenting Tweets/Tweeters.
  • ORGANIZED these Acts in Restraint of Trade, making ALL in the conspiracy liable for damages.
  • Lying to the SEC and the courts about the financial stability of the company – BIG trouble!
  • RICO violations

These guys should take whatever they can get, and slink away FAST! Maybe they can escape further consequences, if they lay low.

Meanwhile, at my Walmart booth, it’s been a fun day, seeing the costumes and t-shirts celebrating All Hallow’s Eve – in the USA, we call that Halloween. Just saw a guy in a Fred Flintstone outfit walk past. He was a lot more fit than the cartoon Fred. Lot of the female customers and staff have observed the season with themed t-shirts, earrings, and hats/headbands.

1 comment

  1. “Fred Flintstone outfit ” sounds like fun, unlike the demonic emulations.

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