Getting Bearable

By now, some 9 days from my fall, I’m generally not in that much actual pain. Easily fatigued, certainly. Sore, absolutely.

But mostly just REALLY uncomfortable. Enough to make it difficult to sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time. Not really able to concentrate on anything worthwhile. Playing online solitaire. Reading the most lightweight books. Complaining. Getting itches in unreachable locations.

My poor daughter is giving up her vacation to help me cope with this. She’s practically a Living Saint (I would have given me a what-for a long time ago). But she is helping out with personal care, laundry, meals, and, yes, patiently listening to my complaints.

I have a follow up appointment tomorrow at 8:15. She will be seeing a doctor that day for her own medical issues. I’m hoping we both get good reports.


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  1. You are truly blessed to have such a daughter. My stepdaughters wouldn’t piss on me if I were on fire.

    Heal fast, and be well!

    • pc-not on May 25, 2023 at 4:52 AM

    It can be a long, arduous road to full recovery.  Everyone has advice when it comes to medical issues.  From personal experience, here is some of mine.  Age has a lot to do with your overall health when it comes to a disabling injury.  I just turned 76 and had my shoulder replacement last September.  As I may have stated previously, the rehab went quite well and today my shoulder function and pain level is better than it’s been in many years.
    That being said, I did get a “scare”.  Being a fairly active person for my age, I found that the change in routine before and several months after surgery were the hidden enemy to my health.   I do not work out and haven’t in years, but as a retired builder I still do small remodeling jobs for many of my former clients.  I was very blessed to have been trained in a plethora of skills in my youth, so most of my jobs require no subcontractors.  I don’t get burned out doing one specific task day after day, and the mental planning and prep for these projects keeps the juices flowing.  When I found myself sitting at the computer for hours or falling asleep in the recliner reading or watching TV, I should have recognized that I was slowly killing myself.  My cardio was off the charts in danger.  I could barely climb a flight of stairs or walk 200 feet without getting out of breath.  
    Finally, after months, I’m getting back to my normal, but it was a huge wake up call.  Try to get back to your daily routine as quickly as you are able.  Sounds like your daughter is a good coach.  That’s important!

    • Evil Franklin on May 25, 2023 at 7:14 AM

    Listening to moaning and complaining is what the doctors are for.
    If you don’t keep up the physical and mental activity it could be disastrous.
    Hope you recover fully and completely and soon.

    Evil Franklin

  2. Prayers for a speedy recovery.

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