Adding To Our List of Evils

Hat tip to Darin at Crusader Rabbit.


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    • Nolan Parker on February 19, 2024 at 1:55 PM

    M.A.P. minor attracted person.
    P.A.P possessions attracted person.
    Hey,Born with it, so everyone has to be okay with it.
    The list is endless.
    NOO! Knowing the difference between right and wrong and Not doing things that Harm Others is part of living in society. 

  1. Nolan said it.

    • Original Grandpa on February 19, 2024 at 4:36 PM

    “What’s that you say, you’re born like that? (racks shell into pump shotgun) What an unusual way to think… keep digging…”

    • Georgiaboy61 on February 19, 2024 at 5:18 PM

    @ Nolan Parker
    Re: “Knowing the difference between right and wrong and Not doing things that Harm Others is part of living in society.”
    That’s quite correct. Which is why what these various ‘woke’ ideologues and fanatics are doing is running back the clock on our civilization. We are regressing via this “re-primitivization” – if I can be permitted to use a neologism – of our society and civilization. Hard-earned progress – whether physical, mental or moral – is being destroyed before our eyes, after taking centuries of blood, toil, sweat and tears to create. Writ-large, this is a crime of literally unprecedented magnitude and treachery.
    I am an old man now, and have seen a lot of things in this life. But one I never thought I would see was the deliberate destruction of a civilization it took our ancestors centuries to build. It is insanity, quite literally, and if it isn’t halted, we are going to enter a new Dark Age as dangerous and retrograde as the one which ended a millennium ago.

    • Divemedic on February 19, 2024 at 5:19 PM

    So let’s start a sexuality that includes feeding pedophiles into wood chippers.

      • Brian_E on February 19, 2024 at 8:58 PM

      Feet first. Into wood chippers feet first. It may well take something as truly horrific as that to act as a deterrent, if deterrence is even possible.
      And yes, having expressed sentiments similar to this got my Twitter/X account suspended, but I’m serious enough about how heinous a crime pedophilia is that I cannot and will not recant my position – especially for something as trivial as access to my Twitter/X account.
      I expect that this position will cause me to spend even more time in Purgatory than I would anyway, if such things as pedophilia didn’t exist so that I wouldn’t have had opportunity to entertain such thoughts. But that’s not the world we live in. Unfortunately.
      I expect my next Confession is going to be interesting, even if I admit to praying for the souls of any going into the chipper. And I doubt I’ll be able to successfully argue that the wood chipper might well be more humane that their fate in lockup, should they end up in general population. I might try, thought. 😉

    • Steve on February 19, 2024 at 5:39 PM

    Repeal the 19th Amendment, NOW!

    • Daniel K Day on February 19, 2024 at 6:01 PM

    I define “pedophile” as a person who commits or tries to commit a sexual act with a child. I’m an IPAP, imprisoning pedophiles attracted person. Tell me how I’m wrong.

    • Nolan Parker. on February 19, 2024 at 7:40 PM

    never thought I would see was the deliberate destruction of a civilization it took our ancestors centuries to build..
    Mind boggling innit? And the number of morally superior ,woke idiots who are just Too Happy to throw the pillars of society into that fire and smugly believe it’s better is amazing.
    They Say Build Back Better.. Without having the conversation about
    Tearing it All Down first.

      • Brian_E on February 22, 2024 at 12:19 AM

      Conversation? Why would you think that they’d even believe a conversation is wanted, let alone needed.
      I mean, they believe that upon being ‘Built Back’, that it’ll be ‘Better’ – so what’s to argue?
      Clearly any disagreements regarding the definition of ‘Better’ is ‘WRONGTHINK’, and therefore not to be abided. If you don’t agree, you are just not smart enough to understand.

      This is my take on their internal thought processes. Prove me wrong.

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