Third-World Problem?

     As you are no doubt fully aware, the Fortress is inhabited by a Newf. The Newf, whose name is Joy, is very large, as are all Newfs, and loves to sleep at those points in the house where she can impede passage from room to room.

     Joy is also long-haired and prone to mats, another attribute of the breed. We spend a lot of time grooming Joy; you could call it our second career.

     But in the “I wept that I had no shoes” department, we have this from Stephen Kruiser:

     That’s not any yak; it’s a pet yak. Someone’s beloved “companion animal.” Possibly even an emotional support yak; Tibetans need love and reassurance, too. And I find myself wondering how long it takes to groom – yaks are not naturally that neat and tidy – and when its owner brings it into the yurt in fear of stormy weather, in what choice locations does it choose to sleep?

     I think we’ll stick with our large, hairy, drooly dog.


    • jwm on June 25, 2024 at 7:55 AM

    Well, at least our Tibettan pal has the good sense to wear a covid safety mask. You can’t be too sure around yaks.

  1. My guess is that is a breeding yak. A bull.
    You want to groom him to show off his best characteristics. Like they do 8n 4-H. You can get a better price forh8m to cover the females.

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