Have you ever said that to yourself, Gentle Reader? Perhaps after the 2317th episode of some drama that once thrilled you, but whose writers and producers had apparently “lost the plot?” The onset of the condition can seem sudden. Yet no such transition from slavish dedication to “eff this” is anything but gradual.
My admiration for Andrea Shea King, a.k.a. The Radio Patriot, only increases when she decides to host a compelling piece from another source, such as this one:
It is ALL THEATER, frenz. Every. Friggin’. Bit.
Remember this: Everything. EVERYTHING we see and hear from any and every source of pundits, Mockingbird Media, left wing lawyers, past elected Demonrats – and RINOs – of every level, non-elected actors, etc.., etc., etc., of the deep state… has one continuously repeated template. ONE.
That one template was designed many, many decades ago. It is based on the deep states concept of maintaining a specific level of delusion and limited false knowledge and it is applied to everything.
It was meant to keep you, me and the American public stupid and passive.
It has worked for likely the whole 20th century through to now, although many have awakened to their theater inside of the last decade.
Please read it all. It’s worth your time. It’s especially pertinent given the current frantic squirming of the “major media” in the wake of the public’s realization that those selfsame media have been lying to us about the Biden Administration from the day he was inaugurated.
Rather than go on an unnecessary tirade of a sort that I’ve written before – here, for example – I’ll put the matter briefly and baldly:
The preponderance of the nation is close to accepting that.
The emergence of large-scale one-way media in the early Twentieth Century gave birth to the National Political Theater and the conditions it has foisted upon us. Matters have ramified and intensified as such media have expanded their range and refined their techniques, but the central malady has been the same throughout. The method is simple: media promotion of “crises” and “problems,” with attention to politicians’ promises to “fix” them.
It’s well known today that the overwhelming majority of those who enter the communications-oriented trades – education, journalism, and entertainment – are politically on the Left. What’s not as well appreciated is how that came to be. It arises from the authoritarian preferences of the Leftist, which are consistent with the one-way nature of those trades: What we will proclaim, you must accept without question.
People uninterested in imposing their views on others tend not to do well in the comm trades. They’re too willing to hear opposing ideas and arguments. They’re open to evidence that might contradict their convictions. They’re willing to meet others on an equal plane; they lack the need to be Authorities.
Our subliminal recognition of “journalists’” implicit demand to be taken as Authorities must, sooner or later, break out and become a conscious awareness.
The “theater” was first threatened by the two-way Internet and the explosion of interest in its potentials. From its first days, the major media were united in denigrating it. Only recently has the appreciation of it as an information-disseminating tool risen to rival that of the older comm trades.
(Ironically, those who labor to employ the Internet thus are usually unable to earn a living thereby. But perhaps that’s for the best. Professionalization has ruined education, after all.)
Consciousness of major-media duplicity jumped sharply with the June 27th “debate” between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The one-way media are no longer able to conceal their partisanry or their willingness to lie for their favored party and candidates. While the political significance of this development is great, its social impact could prove an order of magnitude larger. We may be on the verge of a wholesale withdrawal of our (remaining) trust in the one-way media. The homeschooling trend and the “cord cutting” trend of recent years point in that direction quite as plainly as the loss of readership and viewership by the most prominent organs of establishment journalism.
Throughout events, the critical thing to keep in mind is that the “theater’s” impresarios are desperate to keep us in our seats. They’ll do anything, fair or foul, to keep hold of our eyes and ears. It hardly matters that we’ve already paid to see the show. Should the majority of us snort in disgust and make for the exits, their trade will be doomed… and they know it.
And by the way: buy ammo.
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The ammo, while important, is not the entire answer.
Detach. Build a life apart from social media, TV, cable, and, yes – even the internet. Live IRL.
Now, there are some aspects of technology that you will want to utilize, even so. Things like:
– GPS – yes, it would be nice to practice navigating without it, or with hard copies (and I do think we should ALL practice that skill, particularly young people). But, it is both a time saver, a goad to keep our minds on the task of driving on longish trips (such as our family’s 1-1/2 hour trip – one way – to visit my husband’s brother in rehab). And, if you are going to a new location, it is great to have some assistance in managing turns, detours, and the like.
– E-reminders – phone, digital assistant, SmartWatch. This is not a new function, but replaces timers – like the old kitchen timers – to keep us on time. In some ways, this just replaces that kitchen timer, as, for example, when I put something in the oven to bake, I’m now more likely to set the timer on my phone, than the oven timer. My phone allows me to wander farther in the house or yard, and still hear the warning.
– Texts, particularly for family with disparate schedules. Getting together is a monumental task for us, and texting is far easier than trying to reach people on phones (son is often not able to answer at work, the teachers/students in the family are not able to talk while in class, but can see, and respond, to a text within a short time). Even if my sister or I are at a doctor’s/dentist’s appointment, we can be sure we will get the message. And, for the hearing impaired, text messages are easier than voice messages.
– Financial records, research on personal subjects (insurance, school calendars, office hours) – all are easier on the internet.
– Scanning paperwork – I’m moving to this, and have plans for my granddaughter to scan business records and organize them by clients. I can then store the records until I can destroy them (in 10 years, by Medicare policy). This is a LONG TERM project. Yes, an EMP could wipe them out. If an EMP happens, I have bigger problems than accessing records.
– And, writing/reading – due to mobility problems, I have almost completely moved to e-texts. Books, news, journals, my own writing – just about all of it is online/e-text. I don’t see that changing. If the Zombie Apocalypse does happen, I’m sure not going to carry around books.