“Would they’ve dared to mock Islam in a similar way?” No, Bishop, they would not. You know it, I know it, hell, everyone knows it.
Because Christian men are soft.
Christian men are afraid to give offence by speaking plainly, that Islam is a satanic religion founded by a pedophile who’s only contribution to the world is pain, suffering and death. Everywhere Islam takes hold, war and troubles follow. Every time Islam brushes up against any other religion, pain and suffering ensure.
Islam destroys culture, embraces murder and death as a matter of course. It’s their standard operating mode.
What about Christian men? Today, we aren’t even allowed to say that homosexuality is a sin, and that Christian culture is the best culture to live in. No, that would offend people!
Well, we need to start offending them. If they find the truth offensive, that is due to their own problems, not ours. Western, Christian culture gave us science, art, music and writing that are still admired hundreds of years after it was created. Name one Islamic song that doesn’t make you want to jab icepicks into your ears. Where are the great Islamic writers that compare to JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, or GK Chesterton? For that matter, where are any Islamic expansions that were brought about by peaceful means instead of the sword? What country has ever been improved by allowing Islam to take root? We all know the answer to that. Zero. There is not a single country that has been improved by adding Islam to the mix.
It is time for Christian men to start being Men again. I might not be able to stop the anti-pope Jorge Bergoglio from spreading his lies, but I can tell the people around me at church that he IS an anti-pope, and that the Seat of Peter is empty. And I can explain why in short simple sentences. Benedict never validly resigned. Bergoglio was installed while there was already a pope in place, thus making it illegitimate. There was never a valid election after Benedict’s death. Ergo, Bergoglio is an anti-pope.
That’s going to offend some people. Again, if they are offended at the truth, that’s their problem and not mine.
Start by saying the truth to the people who want to be lied to. Back up your convictions. And when things like the Paris Olympic blasphemy happen, tell them in no uncertain terms that you will not be watching, and you will not be supporting the people who support the blasphemy. Trust me, enough people have already expressed their outrage that the IOC is trying to memory-hole the entire thing.
And never, ever back down from the knowledge that Western Christianity is the best culture and society to live in. If that were not true, people would be fleeing HERE and going THERE.
One problem I have with the Left’s use of language is their use of “-phobic” to demean/diminish any criticism of those topics, and Christians let them get away with it.
Being disapproving of the current societal suicide trend of surgically mutilating mentally ill people while said suicide advocates are simultaneously praising the most sexually perverse (somehow wagging one’s junk in the face of pre-school-aged kids is “brave”) is somehow “transphobic”. Recognizing that a society has a reasonable desire to keep existing into the next generation (through the admittedly archaic method of actually HAVING that next generation) is “homophobic”. Acknowledging that a political system masquerading as a religion is dangerous to the freedom of the rest of Mankind is “Islamophobic”. And they are all “racist”, because, of course they are. (Andrew Klavan once pointed out that all these are nothing more than repetitions of the Left’s favorite argument: “Shut up”.)
“Phobia” is the Greek word for “fear”. I do not fear these idiots. I hold them in varying degrees of contempt, pity, and derision, but fear is not a part of that equation, any more than it was at the ending of “Old Yeller”.
Like Stephen Sumner in “Statesman,” Christian men (really all good men) need to start by being men in their own homes (probably my favorite in the series). Starting by controlling what their kids see, hear, and do, whether on-line or on TV. And pulling them out of government schools to receive a real education instead of indoctrination. The time has long passed for parents to refuse letting schools and media dictate to children what is proper and right.