The head of CENTCOM, General Kurilla, is doing what good leaders do, and telling the truth to the Perfumed Princes of the Puzzle Palace. However, given that Lloyd “Fuck the troops” Austin and his hand-picked coterie of jockstrap-sniffing DEI cockgoblins don’t want to hear the truth since the truth interrupts the narrative, I fear the Gen. Kurilla’s words will fall on deaf ears.
Gen. Michael Kurilla, the commander of United States Central Command, deserves credit for speaking uncomfortable truths to the Defense Department and political leadership. Kurilla is warning that the U.S. strategy to degrade the Houthi rebels in Yemen is failing. He says more robust action is required.
CMDR Salamander pointed out that the US Navy has blown through three years of inventory only to be stymied by a group of 3rd world pirates. The Houthis are a rag-tag group of criminals and child molesters, which is to say that they’re the typical muslim group in the Middle East. They don’t have planes. They don’t have much infrastructure. But they have managed to shut down quite a bit of shipping in the Red Sea because our military leadership is so feckless, gutless, pathetic and woke that they refuse to take any kind of real action against the Houthis.
I see Gen Kurilla’s career coming to a screeching halt soon. And I’m pretty sure he knows this as well. In fact, I would assume that before he ever sent his memo up to the Puzzle Palace, he looked around and decided that he didn’t need to play any more of these reindeer games. He did what he had to do, for the people in his command. He took the hit, so that his people could try to actually do the right things in theater.
I expect absolutely nothing to change while Lloyd “Bluefalcon” Austin is in charge. However, the Overton window just got moved, so at least there’s a small victory.