They Have Pledged Eternal Hostility

     …to anyone on the right side of the one-dimensional political spectrum.

     You know who I mean, don’t you?

     When Instagram was created in 2010, it was a relatively friendly place mainly used for posting photos and short videos. Its user community expanded rapidly, which drew the attention of the ever-voracious folks at Facebook. Facebook successfully acquired Instagram in 2012, and has operated it under Facebook’s own policies since then.

     Facebook’s antipathy toward conservatives and libertarians is well known and well documented. I tried to register an account there some years back, and was thrown off within a couple of weeks, despite never having posted anything except an announcement about one of my books. No reason was ever given, nor were any of my inquiries ever answered.

     Well, as it happens, the very same thing just happed at Instagram. I signed up for an account for a single reason: to inquire of a baker who advertises there whether she also makes pies to order. (If you like your irony with cream cheese frosting, that baker claims a Long Island address not ten miles from where I live.) That was all I did. It was two days ago. But today, I received this:

     And of course, the “Request Review” option leads to a page that perpetually rejects my request.

     Don’t believe the pious crap about how Facebook has dropped its anti-Right policy. The corporation is still run by rabid Leftists determined to exclude anyone to the right of Lenin. And any subsidiary Facebook acquires will operate under the same policy.


    • jwm on August 9, 2024 at 8:55 AM

    It figures.
    About a year ago I nuked my FB account, or rather I tried to nuke it. Meta makes it nearly impossible. I had to get our computer geek for hire to come over to the house, and do it. He’s sharp, but it took over an hour to finally get the account “permanently” terminated. I put permanently in scare quotes because they made it clear that all I have to do is click on a FB link, and the account will re-activate. I opened an IGram acct. solely for the purpose of posting photos of my artwork. It has become a lot like the old site “rotten dot com,” that is, endless cell phone video of car crashes, horrible accidents, and invitations to  “see me naked” type gals. It seems like the whole damn internet is converged these days. Like Leonard Cohen wrote: “I’ve seen the future, baby. It is murder.”

    1. Geez! The last thing I’d ever post anywhere is an invitation to see me naked! 😉

      1. I don’t know, it could be a good money-making opportunity. I show up nude, and then for $50 I’ll put pieces of clothing back on.

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