That’s what went through my head when I read this news report.
A 25-year-old mother in Michigan and her 32-year-old boyfriend have been arrested and accused of torturing and killing her 6-year-old son, who was kept in a pen, stapled to the wall, and repeatedly shot with a BB gun, among other things.
I won’t go into everything that poor boy went through before he died. You can read it if you want to.
Why do people do things like this? Looking at the mug shots I think that drugs were a big part of it. But in the end, people do evil things because people, unless they’re taught to be otherwise, are just not very nice. Mankind is a fallen creature, and entire civilizations have tried to redeem us, without success. There’s been one single thing that has worked in all of the history of the world to try to improve on man’s nature, and that success is only partial: CHRISTIANITY.
I say partial success because Christianity is made from humanity, and I’ll refer you back to that whole mankind being fallen thing.
I feel bad for the kid. And I feel bad about a society where these sorts of things seem to happen more and more. I don’t have any real deep thoughts about it. Just… wanted to express myself a bit.
Oh, and buy more ammo.
1 comment
Right there with you, sir. Anyone who can do that to a child… well, there are lots of ways to make them stop. With a certain permanence.
I will not go and read the article, and I hope you can appreciate why. I look at my own children, and I marvel at these beautiful things I have been given by God, and I cannot in any way fathom why someone would harm such marvellous creatures.
Then I consider my response if someone did. I assure you, ‘grim’ would be a good way to describe the ultimate fate of that person.
I get a bit upset when I am confronted by further evidence of the levels some people fall to, and in particular when that fall involves small children who happened to be in the way. I have not dared to watch Sound Of Freedom, as what is being done to those kids is deliberate, and I do not know what I will do with my hatred when the film is over. Best leave it for now.
In the meantime, little kids are precious things, and those who would hurt them require correction. I invite anyone in need of such direction to join my ministry, The Church Of The Perpetually Lead-Deficient.
We get it solved, with God’s grace.
Take care, sir.