…to pick the DUMBEST INDIAN on the planet.
I mean, think of it.
People from the Indian subcontinent are generally thought of as leaning towards the intelligent side of the Bell Curve. Not every one is a genius (although many are, including some that are math stars), but the average Indian possesses sufficient brain power to climb to the top of the academic pyramid, generate a substantial part of the GNP, and start more businesses than the average Native-born American.
But not Kamala (Commie-La).
She has been around smart, or at least academic people most of her life. When she tries to produce an intelligent statement, all too often, we hear it and say, “WTF?”
Her best ideas are recycled from others – including her opponent Trump – and when she hits a place where her wordy mish-mash just stops, she fills the gap with a hefty dose of meaningless laughter.
Even when the subject is serious – such as the situation in Afghanistan – she simply cannot keep from laughing.
She is an airhead, whose greatest accomplishment is proving that Blondes are NOT the dumbest people on the planet.
This looks interesting – the DNC Convention could be an even more violent repeat of 1968. I do feel sorry for the citizens and the cops and fire fighters who have to do combat duty over this week.

For those who are beginning to wonder, “Is it time to leave?” – remember this motto:
Earlier is Better Than Later
You Can Always Return, if it IS Too Early
You are SERIOUSLY Screwed if You are Too Late
This video at the link was FOUR years ago. She hasn’t gotten less radical.
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One of her commercials proudly proclaims that “when she was working for her degree, she worked at McDonald’s” as her bona fides as to being “middle class”, without pointing out that her turn flipping burgers would have been back when Reagan was President, or the fact that she has never held an actual job in the private sector. Her mom being described as “a working mother” also ignores that she was an internationally-traveling professor.
So, we have a woman who cannot make a cogent argument, who has never held a private sector job beyond entry-level, raised by foreign-born parents who held Marxist ideals, and everything she has ever uttered has been either gibberish, carefully scripted talking points she doesn’t actually understand, or flat-out lies. She has literally slept her way to the top of her profession, second only to a man she called a rapist. She has been such a failure in her current job that even the Canadians were making fun of her botched speech praising the brave Vietnamese soldiers who shot down John McCain. (A speech given despite impassioned pleas from embassy staff and her own people, I note.) A woman who has never received a single vote for President in any of her campaigns is about to experience what was once superbly called “a dead cat bounce”. That’s okay, she’ll seize those votes just like she would seize those patents, Article 1, Section 8 notwithstanding…
Buy ammo. No, more. More than that.