It can be glorious to watch:
Vice President Kamala Harris, hoping to distance herself from President Biden’s unpopularity on the economy, plans a new focus on middle-class worries and woes.
Why it matters: Beginning in North Carolina later this week with her first policy speech, and continuing next week with the Democratic convention in Chicago, Harris will tell Americans — most for the first time — who she is and how she’d govern.
Harris won’t say it this bluntly in public, but her advisers do so privately: She wants to break with Biden on issues on which he’s unpopular. First up: rising prices. This is part of a highly choreographed effort to define herself — in some cases, redefine herself — as a different kind of Democrat.
The policies of the Biden Regime have been so bad for the country that to have any chance at all of being elected – even with massive vote fraud – Harris must pretend that she had nothing at all to do with them. But the Regime is not cooperating:
White House Comms Director Ben LaBolt: “Vice President Harris has been the governing partner for every key decision that the president has made in his term in office.”
In case you were still wondering if Kamala owns the broken economy, broken border, and broken world.
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) August 19, 2024
Quoth RedState’s Stacey Matthews:
Here’s the thing: Democrats and the media want Harris to have it both ways. On one hand, they say she was present for Biden’s most consequential decisions as a trusted advisor and yet when she feels the heat of those decisions they then turn around and suggest she wasn’t a part of that process at all.
Either way, though, it’s a bad look for Harris, as not being there for Biden’s major decisions sort of proves claims from her many critics about her being an empty suit, while being there puts her on the hook for every single one of them.
Do politicians spend a lot of their youths playing Twister? The game seems good practice for their later exercises in contortion.