Viciouser And Viciouser

     This has been a hot topic these last two days:

     That’s the Left for you. Acquiring and retaining power is so important to them that no tool, however misshapen, is considered out of bounds. Outright lies? Check. Defamation and slander? Check. Knowingly false accusations of felony crimes? Check. Wishing terrible, inexcusable harm upon an opponent or a member of his family? Oh my oh yes, check.

     Vance was as shocked and incredulous as you might have expected:

     …because good people, the sort who sincerely try to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” cannot imagine the mindset required to emit such a scurrility. But that’s the Right for you… mostly, anyway.

     Of course, the subject is abortion. Notice that Leftists tend to talk around this topic. They use phrases like “reproductive health care,” “a woman’s right to choose,” and “safe medical procedures.” Never “the right to kill that inconvenient byproduct of my carelessness,” which is exactly what their circumlocutions actually mean. And note how they harp upon cases of rape and incest, as if so terrible a wrong could be made right by killing an innocent third party.

     Pascal and I have written a great deal about the death cults operating among us. Few persons have taken us seriously. Perhaps the hour has come to do so, Gentle Readers. Mankind is under extreme threat – and not from “global warming” or any such phantasm. The threat emanates from within Mankind’s own body, the last place a decent person would expect to find a will-to-exterminate-oneself.

     In one of those striking coincidences that compel me to wonder whether I’m receiving guidance from the supernatural realm, just yesterday evening the C.S.O. and I watched this drama. It’s about a medical doctor obsessed with death, owing to a near-death experience she had as a teenager. She strives to murder anyone she can find who has ever been “brought back” – i.e., resuscitated – after a near-fatal incident. In truth, she wants to die herself, because she believes that it would take her to a far better place than “this dump of a world.” But she can’t quite bring herself to do it.

     Think about those around you who support unlimited abortion rights. Think about them in toto: the entire constellation of their convictions and opinions. And remember this horrifying episode and this one while you’re at it. The connections are there. One merely has to allow oneself to see them.

1 comment

    • Ron on August 22, 2024 at 4:25 PM

    Re: A Little Death.

    Just think what her surviving son will do to her when he finds out what she did to his siblings (off to the old folks home to die alone).
    The reason I’m anti-abortion is that I worked with this black guy who absolutely hated his mom, because he was an only child. He was that because she aborted SIX of his siblings. He never had the experience of being a brother, of having family who would have his back. His passion informed me of the daily evil that abortion leaves in its wake. Additionally, he was convinced that abortion was a liberal racism plot to destroy the black race. That was thought provoking as well (back in the 80’s)


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