“Unburdened By What Has Been”

     It’s hard not to be impressed by the Left’s ability to cohere around a single, simple message. It speaks to the efficacy of its internal communications and its ability to impose discipline on its public voices. It doesn’t matter at all whether the message is true; what matters is that it’s concise, punchy, and appears to offer elements of the Left’s coalition what it wants.

     These days, what Leftists want above all else is not to be balked. Anyone or anything that has thwarted them in the past must give way or be destroyed. That includes such entities as Elon Musk and X (a.k.a. Twitter), Donald Trump and the Republican Party, and the Constitution of the United States.

     Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich seeks to destroy Elon Musk for daring to allow actual freedom of expression on X. Mind you, Musk himself is less of a target than X itself. When it was safely in the arms of Leftist ideologues, such that adverse facts and sentiments could be suppressed, Reich had no problem with it. But according to Reich, these days it’s lousy with “misinformation” and “hate speech.”

     The Left’s political apparatus, the Democrat Party, has become ever more stridently defamatory toward the GOP and anyone aligned with it. Republican politics, even at its most moderate, has been repeatedly denounced as “meanness.” Republican politicians, most of whom are about as effectual as a screen door in a submarine, come in for utter vilification regardless of what they say or do. And that Trump! The very incarnation of Satan! How dare he interfere in the Left’s campaign to destroy the U.S.!

     But this is all “previous work.” What’s relatively new is the thrust to destroy the Constitution:

     The New York Times thinks the Constitution is “dangerous.” This is according to the title of an article by a book reviewer. The article contains comments belittling the Constitution, which Democrats want to abolish. The book reviewer clearly speaks for The New York Times.
     The author writes: The United States Constitution is in trouble. After Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, he called for the “termination of all rules, regulations and articles, even those found in the Constitution.” Outraged critics denounced him for threatening a document that is supposed to be “sacrosanct.”
     The author says: The Electoral College, of course, is one of the bargains the framers made in order to reassure the slave states that they could keep their own “peculiar institution.” Abolishing the Electoral College has become a popular refrain among liberals — something that the legal scholar Aziz Rana counts as one of the procedural specifics that consume discussions about constitutional reform. In his bold new book, “The Constitutional Bind,” Rana argues against this tendency to “take our problematic system as a given, and then struggle to patch especially egregious leaks.” Instead of focusing on patchwork measures, he encourages us to think more expansively.

     I don’t have a Times account – I refuse to give those miscreants a penny of my money – so please take what steps you can to verify the above. (For my part, I trust Maura Dowling.) The Left’s animus toward the Electoral College is fairly well known, of course, but they want the entire document scrapped: it gets in their way.

     Hearken to what a Leftist “law professor” claims:

     Where Potemkin Kamala’s catchphrase “What can be, unburdened by what has been” is bumpersticker platitude covering up a vapid intellect, leftwing Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of Berkeley Law School, embraces its Maoist emanations and wishes to unburden us of the Constitution.
     Erwin is quite clear that in order to SaVE dEMoCraCyTM we must get rid of the Four Olds and that most definitely includes The Constitution.

     Chemerinsky appeared on “Morning Joe” to discuss “increasingly problematic” constitutional provisions that he believed were “undermining democracy.” Chemerinsky cited the equal representation of states in the U.S. Senate and lifetime tenure for Supreme Court justices as provisions that could bring about secession during the interview that promoted his new book, “No Democracy Lasts Forever: How the Constitution Threatens the United States.”
     “Choices that were made in adapting the Constitution have come to haunt us,” Chemerinsky told “Morning Joe” co-host Willie Geist. “The Electoral College increasingly is choosing the president who lost the popular vote. Two senators per state is undermining democracy. In the last session of Congress, there were 50 Democratic senators and 50 Republican senators, but the 50 Democratic senators represented 42 million people.”

     Chemerinsky is no dumb bunny who failed his way into high positions because kneepads and connections. So his outright rejection of Federalism because the Constitution is OLD OLD OLD …

     “Isn’t it absurd that we’re governed in 2024 by a Constitution written in 1787 for a small agrarian, slave-owning society?”

     Charming, isn’t he? Of course this interview appeared on MSNBC, cable’ s home for all things to the Left. Leftists hate the federal structure of the U.S. above all things, for it impedes their march toward uniform and unopposed power. The electoral college proceeds from the existence of the sovereign states and their local law codes and customs.

     Every element of the Left’s coalition finds some aspect of the Constitution an impediment. The enviro-Nazis want trees, moss, and rocks to have rights; the abortion fanatics want unborn children not to have them. The layabouts and socialists dislike the protections of private property. The open-borders types want the states’ individual law codes and law enforcement agencies shackled by the federal government. The bureaucrats, the pundits, and the anti-“hate speech” types want the whole Bill of Rights abolished. And so on.

     But all that to the side, watch for further expressions of these notions from other Leftist commentators and “authorities.” Kamala Harris’s unabashedly anti-Constitutional campaign stands just behind them. She and hers cannot “transform” the United States – remember how Barack Hussein Obama spoke of doing that? – as they’d like so long as freedom of expression, the GOP, and the Constitution stand in their way.

     Stay tuned.