The “open secret” is that Biden has no part in it. It’s been verifiably true but essentially undiscussed for nearly four years. Today, when columnists-by-trade have started to talk about it, it’s become “newsworthy:”
President Joe Biden—if we can still give him that title—appears to be using his last three months as the commander in chief to vacation, snooze, and eat ice cream.
Some legacy media outlets, when they take a moment away from their nonstop adulation of Vice President Kamala Harris, Democrats’ anointed successor, are treating this as if Biden is taking a well-earned, permanent break.
Biden “saved democracy” and deserves some time off or something like that.
How is this news? Biden’s practically been invisible as the nation’s chief executive. He gives nearly no press conferences. When he does deign to appear before the press, the questions put to him are preselected from preselected journalists – and he has a cheat sheet with the names and order of the questioners and the answers to the questions. His public statements are entirely read from teleprompters, and the instances of Biden misreading his teleprompter have become notorious.
Among Washington’s other open secrets are that Biden was awarded the Democrats’ 2020 nomination because they needed a placeholder. Democrat strategists were and are aware that “their bench is empty.” They have no one of true national stature who could garner enough support to be elected president. Biden was the best of the lot; his “negatives” were the lowest of those who’d put themselves forward. So despite his obvious cognitive decline, he was the Democrats’ choice. You know the rest.
What occurs to me as I write this is that Kamala Harris, should she somehow reach the Oval Office, is likely to be treated exactly as Biden’s been treated: i.e., as someone to sit at the Resolute Desk and amuse herself while “professionals” operate the executive branch. She has no greater intelligence than Biden. She has no greater command of the issues. Indeed, her public utterances deserve the old mantra “open mouth, insert foot.” So the “pros” are likely to keep her leashed, “in the house,” and as far as possible away from microphones and cameras.
The political careerists who rotate in and out of Cabinet positions, and the bureaucrats who populate the executive branch, have loved the latitude the Biden presidency has afforded them. You may rest assured that they’ll do their utmost to preserve that latitude in a Harris Administration.
He’s either dead or so brain damaged, the Lefties can’t let him be seen.
They may trot out one of the body doubles, but they give themselves away almost immediately.
I call him Bidet cuz I have no respect whatsoever for him and never did. He has always been an idiot and now is a dementia patient. The country is and has been for 3 1/2 years been run by Barry and the gang. No doubt about it. When the truth rears it’s ugly head and the Globalist Cabal is truly exposed and destroyed then and only then will they no longer be able to cover it up or deny it.
Now I know this might be a lot to ask but, dammit it is our country and WE should have the final say in how it is run and by whom. With Bidet’s (and many scummy dims and repukes) acquiescence our nation is in the hands of WEF and the UN and it’s scummy krew. We have allowed it to happen and for that we should all be ashamed. I am a Social Security recipient with no assets and poor as a church mouse but all of us can raise a serious stink. Use their tactics against them. No sympathy, no mercy and take no crap from anybody. If we don’t stop it and now we won’t even have welfare to fall back on.
Yesterday, the aspiring corpse known as Old Joe trotted out “my son died because he was in Iraq” and Trump called the dead in a French cemetery “suckers and losers” and then said if he was there, he would “have done something about it”. Yeah whatever Walter Mitty. Never mind 82 year old commie gin sot demoniac Nancy Lugosi dragged him kicking and screaming out of running for re-election.