When the Left initiated Critical Theory a hundred years ago, their thrusts were markedly subtle. They grasped small advances by posing questions of the sort “Are you absolutely certain what you have been doing is the best course of action?” Today hardly any of their movers would recognize subtlety if they tripped over it.
One of the latest iconoclasts Fran highlighted at You Can’t Make This Stuff Up Dept., spotlighted a move so brash it is hard to be sure whether or not it is a spoof. At this point I would normally add any of dozens of other examples.
But won’t. I am low on energy. (Though I have collected some other research I will add as links below.*) Not only am I ill, but we are in what appears to be the final days of my mother. Over three years ago, when she already was over 100, I sold my place in CA and moved East to care for her. Her dementia at that point needed around the clock wardening. Two weeks ago, after her strength failed 3 times, she began bed-ridden hospice in home.
Nevertheless I felt I needed to post something more after reading of the outrageous new front Fran exposed.
The short explanation
The enemy got to grasp power by criticizing any and everything. How they succeeded may be grasped by understanding how Conquest Law 2 operates: anyone not open-minded to alter what works is edged out. Repeat until all institutions have been completely infested.
But now they are into micromanaging. So now they may even be trying to guilt parents out of doing what is natural to benefit their own children. Why not? They certainly are trying to prevent parents from protecting kids from predators already.
To our delight though, today the heirs in power to this creation by the Frankfurt School are fully aware of the dangers to those in power by relentless critics — us. So the very people who benefited by freedom of expression to criticize all that mostly worked before are now pressuring any and all to inhibit that right to any who report on the wrongs of those in power.
For instance.
Much more to follow by anyone who cares to add similar items in the comments. Please don’t be bashful.
I’ve got a lot to do to recover from my own ailments while also supervising the care of Mom for how ever long this strong-willed woman keeps fighting.
In speaking out precisely because they fear you may do to them what they did to you and what you hold dear, may you all be nearly as strong-willed as my mom.
- *To begin to learn more about how Critical Theory has been used against the West:
1 comment
So sorry to hear of your mom’s status. FWIW, I found that cool jazz, on a low volume, seems to provide a calming influence, both for caregiver and for the ill one.
I’ve got a post in process for WHEN – OK, that’s optimistic, but I might as well wait out the next month and a half in a state of calm – Trump takes over. Putting people into place in the most crucial departments and agencies is critical.
First, and most important, is HHS and its subsidiary, The Center for Medicare Services (CMS). With current expenditures due to be the LARGEST single cost of the Federal budget, it can’t wait. And, the Secretary needs to be the most ruthless in making cuts, returning the current status of illegal aliens to receive Medicare/Medicaid/subsidies for Marketplace to that FORMERLY ineligible status – permanently (Back up the directive with a law – make it a SINGLE issue, no amendments allowed, vote).
But, mainly, focus on your family. Anything that any of us do will not long be remembered, except for the impact it has on our family.