Over at Mike Miles’s place, I saw this graphic:

My eye fixed on one entry:
Wealth redistribution: Excessively redistributing wealth, discouraging innovation and hard work.
…and on one word therein: excessively.
Repeat that word to yourself a few times. How does it taste? Doesn’t it suggest that there’s a non-excessive degree to which the State might “redistribute wealth?”
What percentage of what you have honestly, diligently earned and saved should “non-excessively” be “redistributed” to others? Others who didn’t earn it?
Can we legitimize theft by calling it “redistribution?” Burglars, muggers, and thieves would love that. Does it somehow become licit, even blessed, when the State does it?
Take your time.
The state calls its own violence law, but that of the individual crime. – Max Stirner
1 comment
ANY redistribution is unacceptable. Use of taxes to force acceptance of taking, beyond what is absolutely necessary to perform the core functions of the federal government, is theft.