Europe Is Self-Immolating

     And her Establishment is in favor of it:

     The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) has published a report warning of the danger that “whiteness” and “Europeanness” pose to the European Union.

     That alone is a blockbuster. But read on:

     “In most countries, non-white and Muslim people were underrepresented in candidate lists … no more than 20 non-white MEPs were elected this year – less than 3 per cent of the total, and well below the 10 per cent share that racial and ethnic minorities are estimated to account for in the EU population,” the report stated.

     Oh, for shame! European electorates are predominantly electing Europeans! Representatives who might share their values and culture! But it gets worse:

     The report went on to say that the decision of many Europeans to vote for more right-leaning parties had exacerbated such feelings of alienation, arguing that some parties in Europe ran on the platform of deporting large swathes of the non-white population.
     “Far-right parties appeared to be on the rise in almost every member state, usually issuing promises to stop immigration or even planning (as the Alternative for Germany, or AfD, did) to expel large swathes of the population,” it claimed.
     “Worse still, parts of the European political mainstream (especially among centre-right and liberal parties) certainly appeared to embrace elements of a xenophobic view of the world – as reflected in the EU’s new migration and asylum pact, adopted in April, or in political proposals to send refugees to third countries, both of which raised major human-rights questions.”
     Overall, the ECFR warned that there was a public “drift” towards understanding “Europeanness” in ethnic terms, rather than in a “civic” way it viewed as more constructive.

     But the Sunday punch has yet to arrive. Here it comes:

     Such a drift, it added, was becoming more common amongst the EU’s youngest voters, further arguing that this same drift may stop more liberal-leaning young people from supporting Brussels in the future.

     After all, what really matters is for the mandarins in Brussels to keep hold on their power and prestige, isn’t it? And if native Europeans are trending rightward not only culturally but politically, their seats are imperiled! And all for fear of a few perfectly harmless immigrants!

     The great wonder of the “European Union” is how persons who openly seek to destroy Europe rose to power there. But then, we can see the same thing happening here, in the good old U.S. of A., can’t we?

     Future historians will have a hard time explaining this… if they don’t choose to dismiss it as an attack of mass insanity.

1 comment

    • jwm on September 27, 2024 at 8:12 AM

    I just finished reading this mornings posts.
    This is serious business, and I have a deep fear for the survival of, not just America, but Western Civilization as we know it. The moslems and africans invading Europe are not going to leave of their own accord. Gripe and complain all we will, but the same goes for the millions of moslems, haitians, and somalians here. They will never in a million years blend in with the “melting pot” nonsense we’ve been fed for so long. They are not here to immigrate, but to colonize.
    And the only answer entails much that would be branded “unthinkable.”
    I think I’ll just leave it at that


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