The Frontier Of “Woke”

     In case the coverage missed you, Gentle Reader, it’s “minor-attracted persons:”

     After local outcry canceled a camp for “minor-attracted persons” set for last weekend in Vermont, several organizations are publicly defending those who declare a sexual attraction to children.
     MAP Union, or MU, which represents itself as “an international organization representing the interests of minor-attracted people and their allies,” sent a statement to local reporter Guy Page protesting the camp cancelation as “bullying” and violence against “society’s most oppressed minority group.”
     “While it is appropriate for law enforcement to investigate crimes when they occur, no-one should face legal sanctions for speaking freely about a sexual orientation they did not choose, nor for meeting up with others who have the same orientation,” a self-described MAP Union spokesperson, who called himself “Percy,” said in an email to Page he published Monday.

     This is the beginning of a progression of a sort we should all be familiar with:

  1. The first step is always to plead for tolerance. “We’re not criminals!” the activists whine. “We don’t hurt anyone. We just want to be left alone.”
  2. The second step is the demand for acceptance. “Why can’t we be policemen, soldiers, librarians, teachers, Boy Scout troop leaders? One of us might be your neighbor, and you’d never know it. Why not treat us just like anyone else?”
  3. The third step is normalization: “Well, yes, he’s a pedophile… not that there’s anything wrong with that.” (Note that this step requires assistance from “allies:” non-pedophiles who’ve been recruited into the “cause.” It usually enlists sympathetic media types.)
  4. The fourth step is coerced inclusion: No occupation or institution, however obscure, is spared from scrutiny as to whether it has adequate “pedophile representation.”
  5. The fifth step is sanctification: Even questioning the worthiness and civic value of pedophiles becomes actionable: first by private activists who threaten the questioner’s livelihood and social acceptance, and sometimes his life and health; later by government harassment and outright censorship.

     Mind you, this is about politics. Your opinion of whether a particular minority group is tolerable has no bearing on it. What matters is the acquisition, first of social influence, thereafter of political power.

     It worked for Negroes.
     It worked for Muslims.
     It worked for homosexuals.
     It worked for transgenders.

     All those groups now have disproportionate social influence and political power. Will pedophiles be next?

     I’ve just purchased Joy Pullman’s book False Flag: Why Queer Politics Mean the End of America. ($20 for a Kindle eBook. Ouch!) I’ll let you know what I think of it in a few days.


    • Ownerus on September 28, 2024 at 11:45 AM

    And the converse works too.
    Witness the vilification over many decades of the American gun culture.

    • Skeptic on September 28, 2024 at 1:09 PM

    The first step with “minor attracted persons” should involve ropes and trees. It’s nice that perverts are voluntarily telling us who they are so we can accomplish the necessary task.

    • Drumwaster on September 28, 2024 at 8:41 PM

    The Seven Steps of Liberal Activism:

    1. It’s a free country, X should not be illegal.

    2. The Constitution prohibits X from being made illegal.

    3. If the Constitution protects a right to X, how can it be immoral? Anyone who disagrees is a bigot.

    4. If X is a Constitutional right, how can we deny it to the poor? Taxpayer money must be given to people to get X.

    5. The Constitution requires that taxpayer money be given to people to get X.

    6. People who refuse to participate in X are criminals.

    7. People who publicly disagree with X are criminals.

    (Step 8 has been reached by a few over-achieving cultures, such as nationalist, communist Russia or nationalist, communist China or nationalist, socialist Germany or nationalist, socialist Venezuela. Everyone knows what Step 8 is.)

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