Mountain High, Or Valley Lower?

     Apparently, Mount Everest is still growing:

     New research has revealed that Mount Everest has grown by up to 160ft in the last 85,000 years.
     This is because a nearby river network has been cutting into the landscape around the mountain, pushing its peak further upwards.
     The erosion from the river is creating a massive gorge, causing Mount Everest to grow by up to 2mm every year.

     So it’s not Ent draughts, then? Damn! I was sure it was Ent draughts.


    • Steve Sumner on October 2, 2024 at 9:10 PM

    I thought the peak was measured from sea level.  If it is measuring higher, would that mean the sea level was dropping?

    1. It confuses me, too, and I’ve been unable to find a complete explanation.

      1. Based on continental drift theory it indicates that the Indian subcontinent is still moving North. If so, then all the Himalayan peaks should be rising.

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