I can’t imagine an appropriate title for this. Start here:

What if the Deep State is planning on cancelling elections and finish the usurpation of the Republic that was started with the fraudulent 2020 Presidential election? The government knows that the area of the country hit by Hurricane Helene comprises the most effective area of resistance to this plan. If the information below is true, the hurricane is icing on their cake and they will do everything in their power to hinder any relief efforts.
Of course, as always the most important word in the above is if. I haven’t spoken to David directly. I don’t know Jessica Rojas or anything about her, though he might. So this could be pure fiction. But in combination with the reports coming out of the hurricane disaster zones, the possibility is too plausible to dismiss.
How outrageous must things get before the uprising begins? What if the “authorities,” peeved at the private-citizen relief efforts in North Carolina and Tennessee, decide to impose martial law on the region? What if we discover that the Usurpers have sent not just money and materiel to Ukraine, but American troops as well? What if the elections are “postponed for the duration of the crisis,” or someone manages to assassinate President Trump?
Where’s the red line? At what imaginable point would Americans decide that the evils are no longer sufferable – that it’s time to take arms against our sea of troubles and, by opposing, end them? Are we soon to prove by our inanition that we’re not worthy inheritors of our ancestors’ legacy?
We love peace, but not peace at any price. There is a peace more destructive of the manhood of living man, than war is destructive of his body. Chains are worse than bayonets. – Douglas Jerrold
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Trump returning to Butler PA tomorrow I feel bodes ill for him. I know PA is in play and critical for victory, but this just smacks of tempting fate/crap shoot, whatever you wish to call it.
As for the posting from whoever this is, I have seen too many claims such as this one to be a coincidence. Coincidences being something I don’t believe in. I believe it was Sir Ian Fleming who said “Three times is enemy action.”
With so many lies afloat, the regime’s nerves are unraveling, so they need to push. The CCP has so stuffed American hierarchy with lucre and the American public with cheap goods (all generated by their enslaved people) that they simply are waiting to pluck this big stuffed goose.
From what we can gather from the evidence, what wisdom may each one of us draw? Be wise with whom you share it. Loose lips….
The United States did not suspend elections either during the Civil War (1864) or World War 2 (1944). Trying to claim that a mere Cat 4 hurricane (severe, yes, but entirely regional) is sufficient to suspend them nationwide, solely because the Feds are too incompetent to assist in that area, will not end well. And as has been opined elsewhere, should Trump actually be killed in the next few weeks, “do they REALLY think that would be the last shot fired?”
100 million gun owners.
Half a billion weapons.
Two trillion rounds of ammunition.
“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
I don’t know how much mileage the PTB can get out of the hurricane, but what concerns me is the possible sudden appearance of a significant number of those military-age Chinese and jihadists who have strolled across our Southern border over the last three years.
If I were on the Davos Committee for the Destruction of America, I would urge that the PLA elements in place strike infrastructure while simultaneously having the God knows how many Islamic terrorists in place strike soft targets over two or three days in late October–and just like that, there’s your “justification” for martial law and the indefinite suspension of elections.
Dystopian fantasy? Probably–one hopes. But then what happened on September 11th 2001 was unthinkable on September 10th.
Someone holding a “high-ranking position in the military” expresses a fear of being “court marshaled.” Color me skeptical.