It’s Right There In The Title

     Federal Emergency Management Agency.

     To manage some process is to control it – to compel it toward a desired outcome. If that outcome is achieved, the manager has succeeded; if not, he’s failed.

     The desired outcome is prestige, personnel, and funding for FEMA. To attain those ends, FEMA must have the credit for whatever degree of success is achieved in the relief of any disaster that occurs within the United States. The agency must justify itself – its existence, its organization, and its funding – every year. Therefore, private relief efforts that make FEMA look superfluous are its enemy.

     As with most federal bureaucracies, FEMA is largely a collection of desk-riders and paper-pushers. Those persons are hardly eager to go into a disaster area and distribute supplies. But they’re very attached to their salaries and the security of their jobs. So they erect fences to keep private volunteers from treading on what they regard as their turf: fences made of regulations, permits, and special relationships with state and local authorities.

     Have a few links:

     If you’re not convinced by now, Gentle Reader, that government – federal, state, or local; it doesn’t matter – is your enemy, you’re unreachable. Now I think I should lie down for a while, in a dark room with a cool cloth over my eyes. Have a nice day.


  1. Here’s a nice bit of evidence to demonstrate both the regime’s priorities and honesty.

    • David Davies on October 5, 2024 at 6:59 PM

    The State is my enemy, yes. I have been of this opinion for a long time.

    I recommend to friend and foe alike Albert Jay Nock’s ‘Our Enemy the State’.

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