I Didn’t Want To Believe It

     …but I no longer have the privilege of disbelief.

     It’s written in the sort of bureaucratese that’s intended to flummox persons outside those halls. But it does authorize the Secretary of Defense to deploy and employ elements of the armed forces against the civilian populace. From page 13:

     [3.3.2(c):] (c) Assistance in responding with assets with potential for lethality, or any situation in which it is reasonably foreseeable that providing the requested assistance may involve the use of force that is likely to result in lethal force, including death or serious bodily injury. It also includes all support to civilian law enforcement officials in situations where a confrontation between civilian law enforcement and civilian individuals or groups is reasonably anticipated. Such use of force must be in accordance with DoDD 5210.56, potentially as further restricted based on the specifics of the requested support.

     This contravenes the Posse Comitatus Act. The get-out-of-jail-free card is that useful word insurrection. There is no precise definition for what constitutes an insurrection. In practice, an insurrection is in progress whenever the president says so.

     But the ironies don’t end there:

     Unable to articulate her own positions, let alone run on them, Kamala Harris has turned to a tried and true Democrat schtick-Donald Trump will use the military against anyone who doesn’t support him….next step, internment camps!
     While speaking to a crowd in Pennsylvania, a state that sees the two candidates neck and neck in the polls, Harris warns, “He’s talking about the enemy within our country, Pennsylvania.”
     “He’s talking about that he considers anyone who doesn’t support him or who will not bend to his will an enemy of our country. It’s a serious issue.”
     “He is saying that he would use the military to go after them. Think about this.”

     Her running mate is singing from the same sheet of music:

     I’ve been told that Karl Marx recommended exactly this tactic: accuse the enemy of doing whatever foul things you’re doing. The Democrats have been using it nonstop. It didn’t start with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, but it seems to have peaked with them.

     But the threat is real: American armed forces deployed against American citizens, in support of a criminal regime determined to retain power no matter the cost.

     As I contemplate this, I find myself wondering why thousands of Venezuelans have fled here. Will they discover that they’ve leaped from the frying pan into the fire? Or does the regime intend them to become its front-line enforcers?

     I suppose we’ll all know soon enough.


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    • Joe Blow on October 15, 2024 at 12:18 PM

    Hitler and The Final Solution were entirely within legal bounds at the time. So was Apartheid. “Legal” is such a funny word.

  1. As regards subterfuge in government matters, I thought about making what I am linking to below in a stand-alone post. But I have only one point about it that I want to make that seems to apply to this post.

    Those who run our government constantly pretend we can’t see what they’re up to and will go to extraordinary lengths to convince us we are vulnerable because we either don’t fund them well enough or give them enough power.

    Drone swarms targeting US military bases are operated by ‘mother ship’ UFO, claims top Pentagon official

    The key here for me as to what is going on is in the sentence:

    ‘In fact, in some instances,’ as Mellon took pains to emphasize, ‘it is clear they want to be seen as though taunting us.’

    It’s as if they expect no readers to have ever heard of, or participated in, DOD run Red Hat/Blue Hat exercises.

    The public is filled with boobs, but not all of it.

    • Bear Claw on October 15, 2024 at 11:13 PM

    They always accuse their opponent of what they’re guilty of doing in the future and in the past.

    • Voice of one on October 16, 2024 at 7:57 AM

    We wouldn’t be in this position if the dumb asses and media didn’t perpetuate the situation by promulgating the lie that byeDan won. It is all going to happen whether we want it to or not. The world is moving to a separation of the sheep from the goats. Everyone knows that there is going to come a time where you either reject the mark or accept it. One third of the world will die in the endtimes. Now is the time to recognize what’s really going on because it won’t be long. God doesn’t save nations, He saves people.

    • Gryphon on October 16, 2024 at 1:00 PM

    Seriously, nobody has any need to be “Surprised” over this. Remember, the Sainted “Founder of the Nation”, George (freemason) Washington, after leading an Army in a Tax Revolt against the “Crown”, then promptly used that Army to Crush a… Tax Rebellion.


    Anybody who thinks this Government won’t use the Army against the Citizens is a Fool, and anyone who thinks the “Troops” won’t eagerly Obey those Orders is an Idiot.

      • lone wolf on October 16, 2024 at 3:29 PM

      Yup. For those that don’t know about this lookup ‘Whisky Rebellion’ which was also known as Shay’s Rebellion.

      And let’s not forgot the ‘Bonus Army’ in 1932.

    • X on October 17, 2024 at 9:49 AM

    We’re the fools. We “wouldn’t be in this situation” if we didn’t always expect our “Gods” to take care of us! So, if we change the media, or let’s say even eliminate it all together, all our problems would be solved? Or is it that life would just be “better”?

    IMHO “We the People” are the sheeple. Bitch, whine or, gnash my teeth, I’m the only person who can fix my problems. And since no one is coming to help me, I chose to get busy. Maybe I’ll find others who have done the same and we can be a people again. This is a rescue mission first and a reconstruction second.

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