Is It CINO, or UTBC?

CINO – Catholic in Name Only

The above ‘kinda Catholic’ is one that seldom attends church, hasn’t a clue about theology, positions of the Church, and considers Confession one of those old timey leftovers from before Vatican II.

UTBC – alternatively known as Raised Catholic

That breed is often divorced, if female, may have had an abortion, and in contrast to the CINO, is actively hostile to The Church, priests, the Pope (Although they kinda/sorta approve of Francis, when he speaks out on climate, the poor, and social justice. Not so much when he reminds them that the Church is still not gonna ordain women or endorse abortion).

The UTBC takes every opportunity to declare that THEY represent Catholics, not those simple people in the pews every week. They never pass up a chance to mention their distant relationship with religion. If pressed to define their current relationship with God, they will declare themselves “Spiritual”, which apparently means they do yoga and occasionally meditate.

So, they ar3 not the demographic that is likely to switch their vote from Kamala.

However, these people may very well deliver the knockout punch that makes Trump president, again.