Human Foibles And Political Corruption, Not Global Warming

I’ve not seen it yet because I’ve turned on my BS filter to all “catastrophic anthropomorphic global warming” claims. But i’m expecting you all to be inundated with a flood of them following the Valencia catastrophe.

So here is some history accompanied by a visual that explains what and partially why it happened.

Now take a guess what land was least expensive to buy. Then allot that for only a few pesos more one could get zoning approved to build housing and businesses.
Farm land, that might benefit from controlled flooding as happens at the Nile, is so much more unreliable a return on investment.

Remember this page when your sister in law points to Valencia as proof of global warming and how our super genius politicians know how to protect us.


  1. Good point.

  2. This is important information. If media was competent to actually check out the story, this would have been available to counter the Global Warming propaganda. 

    1. It’s become the job of those of us in the know to speak out, and for those of us with any platform to spread the word.

      Thanks for your long suffering support.

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