Some of them are on my mind, too.
As usual, Sundance at The Last Refuge puts the crux of the matter clearly and concisely:
Now that we know the basic 2024 raw vote total, we are able to put a scale on the number of fraudulent mail-in ballots from the 2020 election.
Based on 2024 vote/ballot data, 18 million ballots are missing when compared to 2020.
In 2024 there are 18 million fewer votes. That’s the approximate scale of ballot fraud from 2020. (see graphic below)
If 18 million votes fewer were cast in 2024 despite a massive increase in voter registrations, what other explanation could there be for the shortfall than the one Sundance proposes: that those 18 million votes were fraudulent – that they didn’t exist in the first place?
Of course, not every commentator agrees. Some on the Left have alleged “voter suppression,” a left-wing standby. Can they point to any demonstrable instances of suppression or voter intimidation? So far, no, though some have muttered about voter ID laws in the red-leaning states.
(For those who are unaware, the vote tallies in 2020 significantly exceeded the known number of registered voters in several “battleground” states. No one on the Left thought that was something to scrutinize. And what about the 4-million-plus Republican votes that “disappeared” from the national total? Election denialism, anyone? But I digress.)
Let’s stipulate that those “missing” votes were fraudulent. Why were they tallied in 2020, but not in 2024? Baron Bodissey at Gates of Vienna has an explanation:
The machinery was in place for the big steal, but it was never used. What happened?
Bearing all of the above in mind, I’ll go out on a limb and give you my guesses about what is really going on, and what may lie ahead.
I think Mr. Trump was deliberately allowed to win. The Democrat operatives had the truckloads of ballots ready in Pennsylvania and Michigan, but unlike what they did in 2020, they chose not to deliver them all in the middle of the night. Someone told them to stand down.
Please read the whole of both the articles cited above… and a third one that’s had me on pins and needles for a week:
…if Trump ‘wins’, the election will be declared null and void. Order would be imposed by the military under General Kelly’s new command, the deep state will arrest the usual suspects, the media (CNN, MSNBC, editorial staff at the Washington Post) will praise this so-called rescuing of democracy. The members of ‘The View’ will admire this expression of their view of nontoxic manliness and action, and Merrick Garland can finally become Chief Justice.
Is the scenario just spelled out possible? How likely is it? Can it be dismissed or ruled out altogether? Or will we witness a November Surprise this time around?
Besides violence there will surely be gnashing of teeth, media castigation and an attempt at yet more lawfare and refusal to certify the election by Harris herself. Vice President Harris could delegitimize the election (her very own loss) and then open the path to a coup d’état.
As that article was written before the election, the authors could not have known there would be 18 million “missing” votes. Sundance and Baron Bodissey are in a different position.
Now, the above is the darkest of dark supposition. It might happen, but it hasn’t yet; therefore it might not. But there are those in the Usurpers’ ranks who would favor it. Some of them have a lot of clout, both within the Regime and in the circles where Leftist strategists and tacticians work.
What could they use to galvanize sentiment for such a coup – to “rally the troops,” as it were?
Yes, Gentle Reader, you guessed it: the 18 million vote deficit. Several on the Left are claiming that the deficit proves that the 2024 election was fraudulent.
If we see a resurgence of left-wing violence, whether during the transition period or from January 20, 2025 forward, it could well be premised on the claim that the missing 18 million votes were “suppressed.” How? That’s less important than ginning up the rage required to propel a coup.
Many whys and wherefores arise from the speculations above. The most imperative of them is why, rather than steal a second election, the Left would prefer to ruin a second Trump term. But these are unanswerable with our current knowledge. What we do know is that the Left is unlikely to surrender the field peacefully.
So there’s still something to worry about. Transition periods are delicate for many reasons, but this one could prove perilous. An orderly transition would end a lot of careers. It would overturn a lot of “rice bowls.” And of course, there are a host of commentators and expositors who confidently predicted a Harris / Walz victory – and large Democrat majorities in Congress – who’d love to get the egg off their faces.
Stay tuned.