Having a Quiet Day

I’m sitting at home, just catching up on the news online (the stuff over the air is pathetic), and feeling less stressed this week.
I found this lovely piece that lays out the case for Progressives Who Are Sitting in the Ledge. I’m assuming you aren’t yelling “Jump, jump!”

First, the Feminization of the Public Square seems to have reached its peak. The mainstream media, who turned themselves inside out to try to accommodate Woke, is getting a side of the Screaming Karen’s, who seem to be LOWER LEVEL EMPLOYEES.
Yes, I know this is ridiculous, as the point of hiring/acquiring for free employees is that they are acting as Disposable Widgets, that are no to low cost to put on staff, and whose function is to do all those menial tasks you don’t want to assign to the people you pay high wages to.
Flunkies, to coin a phrase.
Now, as companies begin to adjust to the Post-Leftist Economy, one thing they’ll likely be looking at is shedding all the Not Really Needed employees and interns. That would be the Flunkies and their closely related paid equivalent, the Refuseniks. As in, once on the payroll, they refuse to work.
Why would a company put up with them?
Because they may be useless and lazy, but the one thing most of them are good at is Taking Their Case to HR.

So, the FIRST step for business is to cut off their Lifeline – Human Resources.
How do you do it?

Outsource the functions. Do NOT just use ONE place. Separate the functions – payroll, benefits, and employee handbook. That last is the critical one. Find a law firm that NEEDS your business, and bring in your current manual, with all sections marked that you want to dump. Let them come up with a legal document that- owners and forces all employees, no matter how high in the corporation they are, and subjects them to arbitration for resolution of issues.
The only people working at the company that will not have to have their cases handled that way are those with a stake in the company, either as owner or with stock options.
Once the plan is in place, inform HR that, due to company reorganization, they will be leaving. Go ahead and be generous with money and placement services. It’s worth it to get rid of them.
If your company uses Slack or other group interactive system, get rid of it. They can gossip and play at politics on their own time. Don’t forget to archive the previous messages. It will help to identify those contentious employees that need to go, along with cell text messages and email.

As government will likely severely downsize, take this opportunity to do the same. In the New Competitive Economy, Lean & Flexible will be the standard.