“Rebranding” And Other Weasel-Words

This got my attention a couple of days ago:

     Former Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan, a Democrat, has said that his party needs to “rebrand” in response to President-elect Donald Trump’s big win.
     “What does it mean to be a Democrat?” Ryan asked. “People want to trust us. They don’t want to go to Donald Trump. I’m telling you, the middle-of-the-road people, they’re holding their nose to vote for him but we did not give them enough, like, we are reindustrializing, we are talking about American competitiveness. We are moderate on things like natural gas in western PA which ended up being a big issue which we can’t be for natural gas replacing coal.”

     Doesn’t this look to you like another claim that “It was only the messaging!” Gentle Reader? An attempt to evade discussion of all the ways the Democrat Party is immoderate, even radical?

     If the “middle of the road people” really did have to hold their noses to vote for President Trump, it isn’t obvious. Perhaps the “middle of the road” — a phrase with no objective meaning — isn’t where Tim Ryan thinks it is.

     American values are not “moderate” in any objective sense. Freedom, individual rights, Constitutionally limited government — these are radical positions. They’re not found anywhere else in the world. Freedom is not the same as the “right” to vote. Individual rights are absolute guarantees, the violation of which is never justified by some “compelling government interest.” Constitutional limitations on government are similarly supposed to be non-negotiable, enforced by an armed citizenry disinclined to tolerate officials who give the Constitution nothing more than lip service.

     One of the best known Democrat legislators, the odious Nancy Pelosi, once said on camera that “We [i.e., Congress] can do anything” — that the Constitution’s “necessary and proper” clause gives Congress unlimited authority to legislate on any subject whatsoever, to any end whatsoever. She said that in the course of deriding a question from a reporter: “Where does the Constitution give Congress the authority to legislate about health care?” Pelosi dismissed it as “not a serious question.”

     Remember that. If you happen to encounter Tim Ryan, remind him about it. And never, ever trust a Democrat.


    • Drumwaster on December 2, 2024 at 1:58 PM

    Whenever I read about weasel words and similar, I am reminded of this quote from Sir Pterry:

    “Elves are wonderful. They provoke wonder. Elves are marvellous. They cause marvels. Elves are fantastic. They create fantasies. Elves are glamorous. They project glamour. Elves are enchanting. They weave enchantment. Elves are terrific. They beget terror. The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake, and if you want to find snakes look for them behind words that have changed their meaning. No one ever said elves are nice. Elves are bad.” – Sir Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies

    I think that the reporter would have been better served if following up that original question with her opinion of the Tenth Amendment.

    • OneGuy on December 3, 2024 at 10:22 AM

    The problem for Democrats is that their party has turned communist.  I don’t mean that they have secret meetings and openly connive and plan to make America communist.  I mean that almost everything they do is identical to what other countries/governments did as they moved towards a communist state.  Everything that they do is intended to give them more power and to consolidate that power to the higher level Democrat leaders.  They no longer care about America or Americans it is all about power and their agenda.  Now that the great replacement theory has become the great replacement fact it is obviously a plan to dilute the independent American spirit and divide the vote and make it easier for them to take power.  If they were working for Americans they wouldn’t have decided to replace American voters with immigrants.  The Democrats consider Republicans/conservatives to be the enemy and there WILL come a time when they will openly hunt them down and kill them just as that happened in every communist revolution.

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