Standards, and our attempts – sincere or not – to meet them, have lately been much on my mind. Just a little while ago, an itinerant preacher proclaimed a standard that’s made him moderately famous: And behold one came and said to him: Good master, what good shall I do that I …
6 results for atomization
Dec 28 2023
“What Works” Versus “What Sounds Good”
Thomas Sowell has many pithy sayings to his credit, but the one that resonates most powerfully with our current maladies is this one: The more I study the history of intellectuals, the more they seem like a wrecking crew, dismantling civilization bit by bit — replacing what works with what sounds good. …
Jul 08 2023
At The Third Level
In this country, the third level is where the action is – the sociopolitical action, at least. The physiological and safety levels are well-served for more than 90% of our population. Where we’re most vulnerable is in our desire for acceptance. Not that the Left hasn’t tried its damnedest to attack our physical …
Dec 06 2021
Running Scared Edition
…or “running hard trying to scare you, Mr. and Mrs. America.” These days, the principal ammunition of the Left is fear. They fire barrages of it at virtually everything in sight. We’re repeatedly and stridently told to fear: Racists; Pro-lifers; Fossil fuels; Sincere Christians; Large white families; White identity defenders; Guns (especially if …
Mar 06 2021
A Warning
It’s gratifying and more to see the proliferation of alternatives to Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. However, there’s a need for vigilance. Robert Conquest’s Second Law of Politics tells us why: Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing. This law describes a state reached by a process Conquest did not …
Sep 17 2012
Dark Gods
[This essay originally appeared at Eternity Road on January 4, 2006. Given the chaos of the moment, and the overwhelming significance of the election almost upon us, I felt it appropriate to repost it here.] Fran here. In pondering the huge list of things I had in mind for this piece, which started life as …