Linda Fox

Author's posts

Just Adding My 2 Cents

Comments were closed on this post by the time I’d seen it. Hey, it was my anniversary this weekend! No fancy stuff to celebrate, I was battling a respiratory infection. So, not a Whoop-de-doo celebration. Just rest and recuperation. And a lot less online stuff. I used to be a quick up-and-out person in the …

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One Week to Go

And, we’re just holding our breath, praying that our Official Enemies don’t decide to launch a war. Who are the official enemies? That would be China, North Korea, Iran, along with their lesser allies – those who have not declared themselves publicly, but would be happy to jump onto the train, should they perceive the …

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For Anyone Who Has Been Wondering Where I Was

When I offered to help Fran with this blog, I set up a separate email account for it. Then, promptly forgot that I had done so. I reactivated it today, and have been working to take care of business. If you’re having problems with commenting/registration, I’ll be looking into it this week. I can only …

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The Future of Books

I was catching up on some feeds, and I ran across this – about how information is moving to a “Packetized” format. What is a packet? It’s the organization of some information into a small package/format, that can be quickly disseminated to a wide audience. For example, the news used to be in newspapers, tabloids, …

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Just in Time for Christmas!

Miscellaneous Stuff

Here’s a link to some worthy quotes, many of which I had not seen before. It’s been a strange Christmas season, so far. At Thanksgiving, my grandson (taking a semester in Iowa) was diagnosed with pneumonia. The campus was one day away from shutting down, and that included dining services. We all rushed around, sending …

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ONE Change That Will Have Wide-Ranging Impacts

If, as some think, the federal income tax will be abolished, there will be MANY industries affected. Among them include: The entire accounting industry. That portion of what they do for those whose only contact with them is filing taxes once a year will likely just about disappear. If there is no federal income tax, …

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Daniel Penny Found Not Guilty

On the second, and last count. This is good news for him, and scary news for the rest of NYC. The expectation is that the ‘Peaceful, but Fiery’, Outbursts of Calls for Just-Us will commence by the weekend. Well, the Leftists have to have some time to organize these spontaneous outbursts.

Crazy Conspiracies

I’m not one to spend a lot of time correcting people. Unless I have personal knowledge to the contrary, or the misstatement/claim/lie is particularly bad, I tend to think Bull$hit, and move on. But this truly irritates me. Vox Populi, one of those “I’m SUCH an Ultra Male, that when I pontificate, don’t even QUESTION …

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The Tantalizing Lure of Gnosis

Knowledge is Power. A little Knowledge is a dangerous thing – which implies that Greater Knowledge is not. Education is the Key to a Good Life. We’ve all heard similar sound bites before – all of them glorify knowledge as the most important aim of humanity. One of the slurs against Christianity is that it …

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I’m on it, Fran

I just read a previous post from yesterday, in which Francis laments the death of his laptop, and asks Ragin Dave and I to carry on. I’m typing this from bed. I woke in the middle of the night with digestive upset, and, feeling a little light-headed, went back to bed. I briefly climbed out …

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Not Just the Russians…

…Chinese. Before you poo-poo this, remember that sworn enemies can act in concert to achieve a mutual goal. Just as Germany and Russia made a pact with each other, is it possible that Russia and China have joined forces to both weaken the United States and their allies in the EU? Sure seems like it …

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Home Again, Icing My Knees

I went to PT today – my knees are REALLY feeling it. My Dear Husband brought me two ice packs, bless him. I saw this on Don Surber’s Substack site – Click the link – I swear it’s worth it. The week since the election has been the most relaxing in YEARS. And, the …

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Having a Quiet Day

I’m sitting at home, just catching up on the news online (the stuff over the air is pathetic), and feeling less stressed this week. I found this lovely piece that lays out the case for Progressives Who Are Sitting in the Ledge. I’m assuming you aren’t yelling “Jump, jump!” First, the Feminization of the Public …

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Cooling the Leftist Marks

There is a concept familiar to those who have encountered grifters – it’s the way that con artists (to use another term for those who prey on their fellow humans by deceit and trickery) manage not to be turned over to the cops for their criminal actions. Rick Klein, Political Director of ABC News, is …

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Cross Your Fingers, But…

It looks Too Big To Steal. I went to bed before 9 pm. I’d worked from 5:30 am to a smidge after 8 pm, manning the polls as an election worker. I was exhausted and in no frame of mind to watch the election countdown. Not prestigious work, but a very important part of the …

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Drone Warfare

Here’s a link to an essay of appropriate measures to take down drones, should they prove to be a threat to us, either domestic or foreign. China is putting a LOT of money, and personnel, into drones and their deployment. That might be just aimed at Taiwan, or it might be used against other countries. …

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Social Media Manipulations

I found this site at the link on The Federalist. It details a social media manipulation scheme that The Left/Dems are employing to push their propaganda to the top, and smother any opposing message. From CNN, not a friend or supporter of Trump, correcting the impression on The Left that THEIR guys are always on …

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The “Now, Sugar” Election

“Now, Sugar” – the words heard by many over-the-top angry women, coming from a man anxious to calm her down into a semi-rational state. A man uttering such words is NOT focused on telling a woman the cold, hard truth – that she is bordering on bat-$hit crazy, incapable of rational thinking, and impervious to …

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Life is Getting Easier

I’ve been dragging around my right leg in an aircast for the last month. My ankle had a stress fracture, and was not improving. Today, after a visit to the Ortho doctor, I’ve graduated to an ankle brace, made of fabric and velcro straps. MUCH lighter, allows some movement of the ankle, and does not …

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