Linda Fox

Author's posts

WHY Trump is Being Charged with Conspiracy in GA

I’ve posted on the Trump indictment before. One charge, in particular, made very little sense. It’s the first charge in the indictment – Violation of the GA RICO Act. The government seems to be simultaneously insisting that Trump is a ‘Lone Wolf’, whose actions are off the cuff and, for that reason, both unpredictable and …

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Just Wrote a Long and Exhausting Post on the Charges Against Trump

Here it is.

Once Again, Amazon and I Disagree on Literary Merit

More here.

August Miscellany

This information was an eye-opener. The money sent by illegal immigrants to various countries is probably more important for countries other than Mexico. And, the countries’ political leadership is being propped up by the ca$h. The Senatorial and Congressional Collaborators speak with one voice: For our corrupt partnership‘s sake, don’t impeach Biden! Oh, imagine that! …

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Been Posting at Alternative Site

I’m kinda a belt & suspenders person – don’t trust just ONE thing. So, I started a Substack site. That’s the place I post when my content doesn’t seem to fit the more serious work on this site. You guys are reasoned, analytical, and learned. I’m mostly goofy and easily amused. When I have something …

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What a GREAT Dad!

And, don’t we ALL want a Dad like that!

Is Surveillance Bad?

Depends on who is in control of the video, doesn’t it? I specifically and deliberately did NOT buy a Ring camera. It had nothing to do with the physical setup, but, rather, the fact that the police could access it so readily. I prefer to be in control of the process, including where the video …

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The New DHS Rules as They Apply to the Aliens Formerly Known as Illegal

I’m disgusted. You know how we were informed by Officially Smarter People than Ourselves that these desperate ‘refugees’ would be absolutely NO cost to us? Because they were barred from accessing benefits by Black Letter Law? Yeah. I remember that, too. And, I stated that I believed it would be a short hop from NEVER …

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The Cost of That 3rd Child

Fortunately, I beat the child-seat regulations, and was not forced to either limit my family size, nor buy a much more expensive car. But, due to the new car-seat regulations, that lengthen the age at which a child may sit in a seat without having to be restrained in a car seat, many families experience …

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A Critical Need for the Next President

GREATER than Controlling the Border This has to do with the eligibility of illegal aliens to access Medicaid/Medicare benefits. I know, I know – according to The Left, that’s an urban myth, if not a QAnon conspiracy theory. It’s NOT. I am a licensed Health Insurance Agent/Broker. Every year, I have to pass a test …

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How Life Has Changed

I was reading a post from Bookwormroom today, and found this incredible story about banking during the American Revolution: In addition to the explicit rights the British once had, there was another unspoken right that developed in England, and that was the right to have money flow freely. This was separate from the mercantilist government’s …

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The Drip, Drip, Drip of Buried Scandals Now Leaking Out

The rush to “Unexpectedly” find and release information about long-buried scandals is heating up. Here is one such scandal that the DOJ was complicit in burying. At some point, it’s all going to avalanche, as the DimWits in the administration start throwing out other people, in an effort to claim “Hey, I had NO idea …

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New Substack for Me

I’ve been reading this woman’s work, and it’s been enlightening. In this post, Elizabeth Nickson reviews the substance of a book detailing just how it was that the Left managed to take over state-level elections. I’ve been broadening my reading on Substack. There are quite a few bloggers who are taking advantage of the opportunity …

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True, or Fake?

It’s the only explanation that I’ve seen that makes any kind of sense for the ‘bungling’ of the crash.

Failure of Trust is the Core Issue

The ZMan posted this, and I think he has hit the essential point – trust is not there between the American people and their government. The American citizens have lost trust that their government will act in their best interests. That’s reasonable, as the entrenched Deep State and their allies (NGOs, elected officials, the media) …

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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

First, the Good: I’m definitely seeing improvement in my arm mobility. PT is hard work, and the day after, I’m often wiped out. But, I’m seeing steady progress. I also had some time to talk to my PT assistant. He’s a very sharp young man, making plans to pay down his student loans, and is …

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Breathing is REALLY Difficult Along the Canadian Border

I’ve been inside most of the day, except for walking the dog. I just stepped outside long enough check the mailbox, which is on my porch. There’s a haze in the air.In the morni;g, I originally took it to be fog. I expect that asthmatics and the elderly will be having extreme difficulties this week. …

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On the Mend

Me, that is. On the fence about America. While alternately working to improve my mobility, and swearing and putting ice on my poor tortured limbs, I’ve been getting caught up on some blog posts, particularly on Substack. One such post, referred by Western Rifle Shooters, was this. There’s a part 2, as well. If you …

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Finally! Official admission That the Ballots Can be Compromised

The official report from the GA election shows that it’s relatively easy to hack, modify software, and produce ballots whose barcodes do NOT match voters’ choices. The exact scenario that the Left has been calling a paranoid conspiracy theory is proved to be not only possible, but doable in actual tests.

Time to Put Vital Infrastructure In American Hands

Or, No Cheap $hit From China! Now, there are times when cheap items are what you DO want: Seasonal Dollar Tree stuff Trinkets for Mardi Gras Coffee filters, toilet paper, paper for school notes But people in the USA are used to paying more for most of our consumables. We don’t blink at the cost …

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