Category: day off

Day Off

     I’m coming off a rather rugged weekend, and other obligations are demanding my attention, so I’ll be taking today off from the site. Back tomorrow, I hope.

Day Off

There’s a lot going on here, and not enough of me to keep up with all of it and produce an essay. See you tomorrow.

Day Off…From The Internet

     I have a long list of chores to discharge, and I was planning to compile an “assorted” column anyway, so here are the links. If you’re a Gentle Reader of long standing, you hardly need me to comment on these things. They more or less comment on themselves: Bombshell Revelations from the “Special Master” …

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Day Off

     Exhausted. Must rest. Back tomorrow, with luck. Have a nice day.

Day Off

     I have unpleasant things to do that will probably leave me foaming at the mouth, so I won’t be posting an essay today. But if you haven’t yet, read about this outrage at one of America’s most prestigious universities. Then ask yourself “What would Fran say about this?” That should fill the blank spot …

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When What You Want To Say Would Come Out As A Scream

     …it’s best to say nothing.      Just now, the patience of real Americans – patriots who love our country and are agonized by what’s happening to it – is being tried to its limits and beyond. In less than two years, the Usurper Regime has brought this nation to the brink of the abyss. …

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     Apologies, Gentle Reader. I’ve been fighting a rearguard action against the destroyers of my lawn until just a few minutes ago. (See here for further commentary on this vital suburban chore.) At this point I’m wiped out, so no essay today. Tomorrow…if I recover by then from being bent double for six hours.

Day Off

     We’re doing a little celebrating at the Fortress today, so I shan’t be posting one of my “traditional” (i.e., interminable) pieces. However, do have a look at this Deanna Fisher piece at Victory Girls. She cites a terrific example of a process that’s been in process for quite some time now, summarized in this …

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Day Off

     I’m having a hellish day, so no essay today. Instead, have a little something from internationally respected financial guru and commentator Doug Casey:      I can’t argue with him. Can you?

Day Off

I’ve had a computer failure, and am typing this on one of my lab computers, so there’ll be no essay today. Pray for me as I clumsily swap parts among my various machines to determine what the BLEEP! has gone wrong with Ol’ Cyclops. (Is there a patron saint of computers? Or of the people …

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Day Off

     The week was a strenuous one for us at the Fortress, and I need to attend to a few domestic matters at once, so I’ll be taking the day off from Liberty’s Torch. Expect to see fresh rantings tomorrow. Until then, be well.

An AFK Day

     I’ll be offline much of today, as I must take the C.S.O. to a medical procedure a good distance away. It will take several hours, during which I’ll be hopping up and down and jittering about waiting with my justly famous confidence and world-renowned patience in a nearby coffee shop while the flesh mechanics …

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I Have Designated Today A Day…

     …for lounging about…      …for reading Tolkien…      …for watching videos of cute animals…      …and, as it was memorably phrased by that monumental icon of American culture, the Beaver, “just goofing off.”      I need a respite. So here are a few loose links to stuff you might find interesting: Dio on “Back …

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