Category: humor

Peripheral Indicators

     Sometimes, you can divine more about what’s coming by watching the edges of the news than by focusing relentlessly on the core. Here’s an edge to ponder: Fletcher Knebel’s 1969 political thriller Night of Camp David, which concerns a president who has descended into paranoid / megalomaniac delusions, is experiencing resurgent sales. Used copies …

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Have You Finalized Your Vacation Plans?

     Because if not:      Scientists have identified an exoplanet that may possess an Earth-like atmosphere and the potential to support life, and in space terms it’s really not that far away.      But how are the accommodations and the nightlife?      Located just 48 light-years from Earth, LHS 1140 b orbits within its red …

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The Unanswerable Weapon

     Alinsky told us:      Tucker Carlson is a national treasure.

Third-World Problem?

     As you are no doubt fully aware, the Fortress is inhabited by a Newf. The Newf, whose name is Joy, is very large, as are all Newfs, and loves to sleep at those points in the house where she can impede passage from room to room.      Joy is also long-haired and prone to …

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How It’s Done

     I’ve been thinking about the attempts by the Usurpers to dismiss all the videos of Biden stumbling, freezing, “losing time,” and wandering around as if lost as “cheap fakes.” That’s the wrong approach. Aristotle would have told them.      The best approach is to start with what Aristotle called encomium. The dictionary defines encomium …

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On Feeling Old

     I snagged this over at AoSHQ:      I’ve felt old since 1994. You know, the last year in which the New York Rangers won the Stanley Cup. So I don’t have a lot of sympathy for younger snots who’ve just started “feeling old.” But the image above caused me to drag out my own …

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How It’s Done

     I’m not an X / Twitter user. I couldn’t confine myself to that few characters if I were merely saying hello to my mother. Moreover, most of what’s emitted there is fatuous or worse. But I must admit that from time to time some X type says something that’s both hilarious and illuminating. For …

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How It’s Done

     The following, clipped from this piece by James Kunstler, had me howling uncontrollably (and very nearly incontinently):      [T]he cabal running things behind the empty suit “Joe Biden” is dominated by women, and my guess would be the women directly associated with Barack Obama: Susan Rice, Lisa Monaco, Kathryn Ruemmler, Sally Yates, Valarie Jarrett, …

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Of Suppositions And Purple

     [I’m very tired, and the news is so monochromatically bleak that I can see no point in commenting on it. I did find one interesting article from Roger Kimball a few days back, but it’s long, dense, and deserves more time and thought than I’ve had available, so for now please read it and …

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Sensitive Single Men Of America…(UPDATED)

     …your quest for undying love has ended!      [Applause to Concerned American at WRSA, whose quest for a new blog-home has ended, too.]      UPDATE: The C.S.O. just reminded me about an earlier competitor for the title of “perfect woman:”      I detect a certain similarity in Rebecca’s and Laurel’s claims. I wonder what …

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Insight Of The Day

     There are many elaborate theories about paranoia, but we can’t sincerely claim that we’ve cracked it yet. We need more data. If we really want to understand the genesis of the paranoid mentality, we should be making lists of known paranoids and compiling detailed dossiers about them. Researchers should be following them around, watching …

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For Any Visiting Statists

For The “Post-Humorists”

     The Left is rabidly opposed to a huge fraction of our cultural heritage. Possibly all of it, really. Historical totalitarians have usually striven to destroy their subjects’ cultural memory. The contemporary Left is as totalitarian as any of its ideological predecessors.      Why let it happen? Preserve what you can. Make sure your children …

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Questions For God

     You might think that once we’re dead and in heaven, there are no more rules. But there’s still a need for discretion. Werner Heisenberg once said that if he got the chance, there were two questions he wanted to ask God: Why relativity? And why turbulence? They’re good questions – I’d certainly like the …

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Now For Something Lighthearted

Weird Dave asks us: My answer: Engelbert Humperdinck, “Please Release Me.” Yours?

After An Awful Night

     …something like this is what I need to return to the land of the living: Tech tip — ONT WTF (@OntWtf) March 1, 2024      I have absolutely no doubt that someone, somewhere thinks this is the right way to clean your laptop computer. And I find that strangely comforting.

A Quick Appetite-Whetter

     Shamelessly stolen from Western Rifle Shooters:      I think we can all agree with the sentiment at the bottom. All of us white menfolk, that is.      Never fear: I’ll be back with something more substantial a bit later.

Shamelessly Stolen From The Feral Irishman


     If you live in a small town and have some degree of prominence, it is vital to be on good terms with the editor of the town’s newspaper. This is especially important if you and he are of different faiths. The following story will give you an inkling as to why. Father O’Malley, the …

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     It has come to my attention that an increasing number of media outlets don’t exactly “report the news,” as you and I would understand the practice. Rather, an editor will give a reporter an idea for an eye-catching story, prescribe the desired slant, and tell him to go forth and gather “facts.” The ever-widening …

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