Category: immigration

Doing the crime that Americans won’t do

So, what illegal gangs are in your state courtesy of Drooling Joe and his open borders policies? Idaho has the Mexican cartels, and I can tell you that I see plenty of Mexicans running around my town in Northern Idaho. I’m not talking guys who speak English with a Hispanic accent, I’m talking no English …

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I apologize for the late post.

To be honest, I’ve been dealing with personal issues right now, and to say I’m not in a good mood would be an understatement. Add on to that a root canal at 0600 this morning, and I’m downright grumpy. Although the root canal was needed. That tooth was in bad shape. Thanks, military, for destroying …

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Tolerable Diversity, Mandatory Unity

     That shibboleth word “diversity” just might have had its day. The myriad examples of what happens when a government attempts to compel “diversity” upon an institution or a society make it fairly plain that the notion is toxic. Resistance to such compulsion is mounting and will soon become insuperable.      It’s been the case …

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Assimilation In Reverse?

     Paul Joseph Watson brings you news the “media” won’t touch:      A hearing held earlier this week in New York by the Council’s immigration and hospital committees saw black migrants who have arrived in the city airing their grievances about public services they have been provided, including food and accommodation, with one woman even …

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Is it just me

Or is there anyone else out there who reads an article like this and thinks “Nothing I can do about it. I hope they hit D.C.” So what is to be done? Well, we can vote the bums out, but even if we do, all too many Republicans are just as squeamish as Democrats about …

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It’s amazing what happens when you enforce the law

Texas shows how it’s done .It shouldn’t be a shock that when you enforce the laws and shut down the border, illegal criminals stop coming through. And we all know this, even the National Socialist Democrat Worker’s Party, who is now being stymied in their goal of flooding the country through mass illegal entry. Of …

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It’s Been Tried Before

     Several times, really…and it hasn’t worked, ever:      Days after closing a deal with Albania to hold part of the migrant flood there while awaiting asylum processing, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is trying to limit the number of arrivals in the first place, by a new partnership with Africa.      She unveiled a …

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Stating It Clearly Edition

     The Biden Regime is now openly blackmailing the nation:      As Republican governors circle the wagon around Texas, President Biden on Saturday doubled down on a reluctant agreement to secure the southern US border – but only if Congress passes a bipartisan bill that would also allocate funds for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, and …

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Illegal Immigration And Legislation

     Everyone wants to believe that he’s important – that what he does matters to others. If there are exceptions, I have yet to encounter them. It follows that a man will prefer an occupation that appears to provide things of genuine value to others over a trade that, whatever it pays, does little or …

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Alea Iacta Est

     Apparently, the Border Patrol doesn’t plan to cut through the razor wire.      Twenty-five states are backing Texas’s toughening of its border.      And a conspiracy to keep Donald Trump out of office has formed and is operating.      Are there any classics scholars among our Gentle Readers? ***      Once you demonstrate yourself …

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What Is The Border Patrol’s Job?

     The law in these United States, as in most First World countries – I don’t think there are any exceptions – is that entry to the U.S. must occur at one of our designated ports of entry. There are several such along the American border, and their locales are widely known. Any American consulate …

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A Concession On Every Point Is Not A “Deal”

     But it appears that that’s what the Republican Senatorial caucus is being asked to swallow:      A number of Senate Republicans are extremely concerned with the ongoing border deal negotiations between the White House and GOP leadership, expressing their frustration with a number of leaked proposals that are being considered and saying they would …

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Virtue Signaling At Others’ Expense

     I’m sure it feels great…until the chickens come home to roost:      CHICAGO – Chicago’s newest migrant shelter has opened up in the West Loop, and it’s creating tension between a landlord and tenants.      The bottom floor tenant at a warehouse-style building at 344 N. Ogden is a retail business. The owner tells …

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They should have snuck across the Southern border

And their first words to any US Government person should have been “¿Donde esta la biblioteca?” Instead, we get this. … in September 2023, the Romeikes were told during a routine check-in that their deferred status had been revoked. The family was given four weeks to apply for German passports, so they could be deported …

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Homelands Part 2

     Everyone is born somewhere. Well, today at least; that might change if we ever become a spacefaring species. But for the moment, each of us has a birthplace in some Earthly land. The majority of us live our whole lives in that land, vacations and business trips notwithstanding.      Some striking fiction has been …

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Apropos Of “Homelands”

     The following comes from The Man With the Miraculous Hands, the story of super-masseur Dr. Felix Kersten and his experiences in ministering to Heinrich Himmler during the years of the Third Reich:      “Listen, listen to how brilliant it is,” [Himmler] cried. “We have taken Poland, but the Poles hate us. We need real …

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     Give a man a free house and he’ll bust out the windows – The Rainmakers, “Government Cheese”      Just a couple of days back, Matt Bracken posted the following graphic:      Apparently, there’s a mass migration of African Negroes to the Emerald Isle in progress. I wasn’t aware of it until recently. The graphic …

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National Security, Or Job Security?

     If I remember correctly, Eric Adams got the Democrat Party nod for the mayoralty of New York City because he was once a cop. However, there are quite a lot of former NYC cops: more today than ever before, in fact. I have no idea what makes Adams special…unless it’s that he’s black. At …

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An End Of Year Review Of An Unpleasant Sort

     While I’m grateful to have made it to another year, it’s sometimes difficult to imagine how the United States did so. Here, from the tragically underappreciated Jared Taylor, is a recap of some of 2022’s less praiseworthy developments and events:      Yes, Taylor is unsparing…but given our passivity in the face of such horrors, …

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An Interesting Assertion

     And from a really interesting source:      “Putting people’s lives at risk,” eh? Which people? The illegal aliens, or the residents of the areas to which Abbott and DeSantis are sending them? Who is in danger from whom? Would you care to expand along those lines, Miss Black Lesbian Immigrant White House Press Secretary? …

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