Category: international relations

So the Prime Minister of Israel is visiting the USA

And neither the pResident nor the VP can take time to meet him? I’d say the Democrats are fully in the thrall of their jihadi element. But we knew this from the protests all over college campuses this summer. Hell, the Left has been all in for the terrorists for decades. It was only the …

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Not so modern problems require not so modern solutions

Yesterday, our host remarked on the sheer number of non-French flags that were flying at the riots in France over the election results. Note that the riots were in Paris, which of course is kind of like the Scat Fransicko of France, being full of freaks, communists and illegal aliens. Today, Kim du Toit remarks …

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I know there’s a word for this

It’s when you’re so brainwashed that every hard lesson ever learned by your ancestors is wiped clean from your skull, and you go through life making horrible mistakes because you never learned from history. What brought this to mind? A news story about a German woman who was killed by someone she should have avoided. …

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Twelve Minutes

Take twelve minutes out of your life and go watch this short interview on Twitter./X/Twix. Folks, the reason Russia invaded Ukraine is because of the Deep State here in the USA. The State Department, the CIA, all of those corrupt pieces of garbage, fomented a coup in 2014 under the “leadership” of Barry Obumblefuck the …

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Agreements Between Nations

     John Mills at Gateway Pundit has posted a piece on treaties and their utility, with particular emphasis on the post-Cold War world. It’s a good piece well worth reading, which reminds us that treaties themselves cannot and will not guarantee peaceful relations between nation-states. It got me to thinking about a subject that’s been …

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She can’t be a traitor. She was never an American

Ilhan “Bro-Fo” Omar, the representative of Somalia, says it out loud. During a recent speech, of which clips are now going viral, Omar left nothing to the imagination. She proclaimed to the crowd that Somalis control the U.S. government and that it exists to “safeguard the interests of Somalia.” She also stated that she is …

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Henry Kissinger is dead

My entire life I’ve heard of Henry Kissinger, the USA’s most famous diplomat, yada yada umptifratz. Can someone older and wiser than myself point me to one of his successes? Something in his repertoire that warrants all the accolades he’s been given? ANYTHING that shows he’s actually done some good in this world? I’m not …

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Against The Odds

     I could have titled this one “Choosing Your Battles,” but the scope of the thing isn’t purely a matter of strategic or military considerations. It’s more about not being as stubborn as a mule while simultaneously being a horse’s ass…and before you ask, yes: I did search for equine metaphors and images before choosing …

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These Are The Fruits Of Dependency

     Becoming dependent on others for a necessity is always a risky course:      Switzerland is considering jailing anyone who heats their rooms above 19C for up to three years if the country is forced to ration gas due to the Ukraine war.      The country could also give fines to those who violate the …

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The Power Continuum

     As the status quo is quoing along steadily just now, I thought I might resurrect an earlier Fran and write about one of my earlier areas of inquiry: power as exercised in the anarchic world of the “international order.”      Commentators on geopolitics often refer to the distinctions between “hard” and “soft” power. Mostly, …

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