Category: Islam

Evidence Of Spine

     I’m always heartened to learn of some indication that Americans are rediscovering their courage, in these times when so much has been done to make us furtive and timorous. This one from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho cheered me in two ways:      Christians in Idaho who had been banned from carrying religious symbols during their …

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Another wind-up toy hits close to home

Aloha Snackbar! CNN reported Tuesday that Mercurio “planned to attack churches in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, on Sunday ‘using weapons, including knives, firearms, and fire,’ according to court documents cited by the Justice Department.” He is accused of writing out his plan: “Stop close by the church, equip the weapon(s) and storm the temple, kill as many people as possible …

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Islam: A Reminder

     Islam holds that non-Muslim women taken captive by Muslims are fair game to be raped. Even the famously leftist New York Times admits this:      In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old [non-Muslim] girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a …

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She can’t be a traitor. She was never an American

Ilhan “Bro-Fo” Omar, the representative of Somalia, says it out loud. During a recent speech, of which clips are now going viral, Omar left nothing to the imagination. She proclaimed to the crowd that Somalis control the U.S. government and that it exists to “safeguard the interests of Somalia.” She also stated that she is …

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How about a new plan?

Drooling Joe Biden and his puppet masters admit that what they’re doing isn’t working, but they’re going to continue doing it anyway. Joe Biden admitted the US’s strikes on Houthi forces in the Red Sea are “not working” but will continue. The US President has authorised five rounds of attacks on the Houthi movement’s infrastructure since last Thursday. Here’s my idea, and …

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Critical Recognitions Dept.

     When you’ve been saying something vital to the survival of your civilization, year after year – now and then in an ear-piercing shriek – it’s gratifying to see that someone else actually gets it:      What is Islam? To answer that question, it’s more important to know what Islam isn’t. Islam is not a …

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Muslims’ Concept Of “Tolerance”

     Presented without comment: #BREAKING: Two groups clash outside L.A.’s Museum of Tolerance as the center screens a film on Hamas atrocities. LAPD officers move in as several people appear to have been punched and pepper-sprayed. Eyewitness News is live with the tense situation. Tonight at 11 from ABC7 — ABC7 Eyewitness News (@ABC7) …

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The Sea

     Now and then we get a clear statement of verifiable facts from some figure known as a “public intellectual.” Depending on the tenor of the time and the attitude of the ruling elite, that statement might be honored, dishonored, suppressed, or ignored. Those who take note of the patterns involved will reach their own …

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The Biggest Picture

     The exchanges of rhetoric over the IDF invasion of Gaza have already breached the ludicrousness threshold and are rocketing toward utter insanity. The tweet embedded here lays the matter out plainly. And as I said immediately below that, wars of extermination have no rules.      No amount of hand-wringing will change the fundamentals here. …

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Give No Quarter To Those Who Seek Your Blood (UPDATED)

     I was pleased to read this, from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:      While Israel is doing everything to get Palestinian civilians out of harm’s way, Hamas is doing everything to keep Palestinian civilians in harm’s way. Israel urges Palestinian civilians to leave the areas of armed conflict, while Hamas prevents those civilians from …

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I had to get up early today for a number of reasons, and since I’m somewhat daft I decided that as long as my schedule included an early awakening, I might as well make the best of it. Last Sunday I was given a batch of sourdough starter. I made English muffins with it yesterday, …

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For This Disease There Is Only One Cure

     There cannot be peace with persons such as this: A phone call by a Hamas terrorist in Israel who called his parents in Gaza to boast how he killed 10 jews. “Dad, be proud of me!” Part of this recording was played by Israeli FM Eli Cohen at the UN today. — Moshe …

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Let There Be No Mistake

     I stand with Israel. Faiths don’t matter. Locale doesn’t matter. This is a war between civilization and Seventh-Century barbarism. Israel is civilization. Work out the rest for yourself, if you must.      And now we have proof:      A member of the Palestine Scholars Association in the Diaspora, Mahmoud Al-Shajrawi, is on video boasting …

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Just a reminder: Nobody likes the Palestinians

Egypt, which shares a border with Gaza, is smartly refusing to allow any of those sub-human barbarians across their shared border. Don’t be fooled by the news agencies or by whatever platitudes other mooslim nations might utter. Not a single raghead nation wants to bring in the Palestinians, and they never have. Egypt has discussed …

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The Needs Of The Times

     “Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.” – C. S. Lewis      If you’ve seen the delightful movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, you’ll surely remember Toula’s father, played by Michael Constantine, touting Windex as the panacea of all …

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A Few Pleasant Thoughts With Which To Begin Your Day

     Cruelty, beheading, burning to death, torturing and mutilating are the essence of Islam. — Daniel Greenfield      Savages have no rights. – Ayn Rand.      And a little more from your humble Curmudgeon:      No scheme of objective analysis can deal with the suppression of self-interest characteristic of love, or with the inclusive nihilism …

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Well, Well!

     Get a load of this:      A senior Hamas official said the group is open to discussions over a possible truce with Israel, having “achieved its targets.”      Moussa Abu Marzouk told Al Jazeera in a phone interview that Hamas was open to “something of that sort” and “all political dialogues” when asked whether …

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On Israel

If you haven’t seen the news by now, then I’m sorry, but go back to sleep. For those who HAVE seen the news, we all know that this is the continuation of the genocidal war that Islam constantly wages against Judaism. Mark Steyn put up a good number of links, including videos. If you want …

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Red on Red

What happens when two of the Democrat Party voting blocks follow “their truths”, or whatever the hell they want to call it? The military calls it “Red on Red”. Two enemy groups attacking each other. All we have to do is sit back and watch. Sibley was “blasting music and dancing with his pals at …

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Chronicles Of The Collapse

     Via Arthur Sido:      The leader of Minnesota’s Democratic Party says he is calling an emergency meeting this week to “ban individuals engaged in violent assaults” from its ranks after a tense confrontation erupted over the weekend at an event to nominate candidates for a Minneapolis City Council seat.      The showdown between supporters …

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