Category: political combat

A Long, Long Time Ago…

     …there was a company called Disney. Its products were aimed at American youth, typically below the age of puberty. The consistent quality and generally uplifting character of those products made it one of the most successful entertainment companies ever formed. Its founding genius, Walt Disney, was the icon of the company for the whole …

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Sex As Strategy And Tactics

     It goes essentially without saying that sex, owing to our nature, is a principal attractor. However, the reverse of the coin is seldom discussed: it’s also a principal distractor. Clever sorts can use sex or parasexual matters to distract target audiences from what ought to be get their greatest attention, just as a stage …

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Godwin’s Veto

Many of you are likely familiar with the Heckler’s Veto. The gist is that a single heckler can shut down a speaker unilaterally. Perhaps he is so loud, so obnoxious, that nearby authorities are willing to silence the speaker just to rid themselves of the heckler. Or perhaps the cost of removing the heckler is …

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Right Ways And Left Ways

     Time was, soldiers had a saying: “There are three ways to do anything: the wrong way, the right way, and the Army way.” It was facetious, of course; an Army that refrains from doing things the right way as a matter of policy wouldn’t last very long. But the saying expresses some of the …

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Something That Desperately Needed To Be Said

     Today – indeed, for some years now – any attempt to argue with someone on the political Left has been met with vituperation and accusations of evil motives. “Racist!” “Sexist!” “Xenophobe!” and so forth have become the Left’s standard responses to any sort of disagreement. These pejoratives have lost some of their ability to …

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Revolutions Without Bloodshed Part 1

     They’re rare.      The State that finds its hegemony threatened almost always responds with violence. Violence, after all, is the State’s stock in trade. It’s the characteristic method of rulers to use force and violence to work their wills upon us. In the majority of cases, they could get their way in no other …

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Immanentizing the Eschaton of the Republic

     “Don’t let them immanentize the eschaton!” – William F. Buckley, 1966      It has been said, and truly, that whatever the Left accuses the Right of doing is what the Left is already doing, or planning to do in the immediate future. In today’s political battlespace, that has a particularly large force.      Have …

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Preparing For Armageddon

     A funny way to open a column in the second half of Advent, eh? But it’s what’s on my mind. The eighteen entries in my “Future Columns” folder can wait another day.      Here is the stimulus for today’s exercise in futility:      Please take the twelve minutes and watch it. It’s one of …

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How It’s Done

     As liberals shy away from the word “woke,” the media has blamed Republicans’ negative use of the term for its downfall. What actually happened to “woke” may be more complicated, and cause problems for Democrats in coming elections. — Kelsey Koberg, Fox News      This isn’t the first time the Right has successfully wrested …

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A Note On Contemporary Political Combat

     Just a brief piece today, as I’m plunging toward the completion of The Discovery Phase…well, if a snail shackled to a boulder can be said to “plunge”…anyway, have three links that share a thesis: Satan Loves To Slice Salami Thou Shalt Keep Masking, Thou Peasants! The Normalization of Pedophilia      I recommend that you …

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Always Reinforce Success!

     One of the harder tactical lessons to learn, if we judge by the behavior of field commanders throughout history, is rather simple: Cut Your Losses;Reinforce Your Successes.      The first part of that maxim is on all fours with “Don’t throw good money after bad.” It’s remarkable how many people will nod sagely when …

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The Storm Is Upon Us

     Yesterday’s piece, which I was reluctant to post, seems to have gotten a stir going. Perhaps that’s to the good. But if you liked it, you’ll purely love the following video: a speech from the most admirable man in entertainment, Jim Caviezel:      I believe we see things the same way, which comes as …

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Carts And Horses, 2021 Edition

     Good morning, Gentle Reader. I’ve given much of the past day or so to thinking about this Victor Davis Hanson essay. It’s a good piece – what else would we expect from Hanson – but I think it’s missing one component to give it a full picture of our enemies: both the visible figures …

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A Not-Funny Conversation

     Imagine, Gentle Reader, that rather than talking to one another about how much of your money to spend, Congress is a single individual, and he’s talking directly to you, hoping to win your approval for his spending bill. Your exchange might go thus: CONGRESS: So you see, this $[insert insane spending amount here] appropriations …

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More On The “Think Again” Front

     “The threat is more powerful than its execution.” – Aron Nimzovich      “Not if the probability of execution is zero.” – Me.      I’ve been seeing a lot of online bravado of the sort that runs “If they go any further, we’ll rise up and…” – You get the idea, don’t you, Gentle Reader? …

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Bluster Means Nothing When The Enemy Holds All The Trumps

     I’ve long encouraged Americans to present their “leaders” with a healthy spirit of defiance. It’s as American as apple pie – considerably more so than any of the “woke” pro sports leagues. But it’s not enough to be verbally defiant when the Schutzstaffel is at the door, armed and ready to drag you to …

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An Eye-Opener For My Saturday

     Even though I’m “retired” – from wage labor, that is – I continue to treat the weekends differently from the rest of the week. I reserve them for rest and recreation, the occasional domestic disaster (and a house built from a random collection of leftover components has them rather often) notwithstanding. I’ll admit that …

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Politics Uber Alles

     John Hinderaker pins it:      The Democrats are bidding Andy Cuomo a fond farewell. They want to pretend that he was a successful governor and his downfall was solely attributable to sexual harassment.      Not the untimely and unnecessary deaths of 15,000 nursing home residents? Not the immense damage done to New York’s already …

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Fighting FB Disinfo

At every post that mentions the vaques, FB intrudes the tag shown in the picture below. While it is impossible to reply to the intruders, a rebuttal has been permitted and it gets copied and repeated. So there are ways to fight back, at least until FB decides to penalize every account that repeats it. …

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No Remedy

     It’s easy to castigate men long dead. It’s especially satisfying – for persons of a certain disposition, anyway – when those men have an achievement to their names that their critic could never have equaled. When the achievement is the founding of the greatest nation in history, the castigator has a hard time not …

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