Category: tyrannies and tyrants

The Big Giveaway

I’m going to struggle through one post this morning, because the subject is so important. The big “reveal,” if you will, that the State has gone totalitarian comes in parts. They don’t always arrive together, but once any one of them becomes visible, you may rest assured that the others will soon be upon you. …

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What Does It Mean To Be “Governed?”

     By now, our Gentle Readers have probably heard about this:      Quoth the mighty Sundance:      Within the recent WEF discussion, Secretary Kerry outlines how freedom of speech is a ‘threat to the global democracy‘ because the governing officials have a difficult time controlling information. Kerry goes on to posit how the next administration, …

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Equal But Opposite

     I’ve written here of the use of gradualism to habituate a people to ever more rigid government control over their lives. It’s not a new idea. It has several names, according to the era in which it’s addressed. James Madison called it “consolidation.” Twentieth Century strategic thinkers called it “salami tactics.” Today, gradualism or …

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The Best Possible Argument For An Armed Society…

     … is the long train of abuses and usurpations committed by the governing elite:      Joe and Jill Biden took a taxpayer-funded weeklong vacation in Santa Ynez, California last week.      Secret Service agents violently pushed peasants out of the way so Jill Biden could go on a shopping spree on Friday afternoon.      …

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His Mistake Was In Pleading Guilty

Here is what he allegedly gained from his admission of guilt. The judge arbitrarily decided to reduce his sentence from 30 months to 20 months “because you pleaded guilty to this serious crime.” Three Facebook posts criticizing UK policy is now viewed as a serious crime in a country where voter awareness of the consequences …

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Greetings, my fellow domestic terrorists!

Oh, if you read any kind of anti-Marxist blogs, you know you’re on a list somewhere. And if your Catholic, or in the military (it’s a two-fer for me!) then the government is going to label you as a domestic terrorist. According to documents obtained by American First Legal (AFL), the DHS board called  “Homeland …

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Shortsighted: Bill Whittle A Bit Too Cheerful

These new age war tools are particularly attractive to a tyranny that views its subjects as domestic terrorists. Additionally, their existence reduces leaderhip risk by reducing personnel. As in the number who are equipped and might turn around and attack the tyrant. Like the soldiers at the Bastille did.

Cicero Saw Clearly

Everything about this post is short. Something simple should not require a great deal of words. The enemy outside the gates are far less to be feared. That is the shortened version of Cicero’s famous observation. I have begun to see it as eventually universally true. Certainly in light of Fran’s latest screeds noting past …

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A Despotic Self-Own By RFKJr

Say you know a classical liberal. The Dems have finally broken their bond with him, most notably with their Bolshevikian attacks on any one or group that exposes their faults. Their attacks on free speech has him leaning towards RFKJr because of some popular stances that align with his own. Specifically for people like that …

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Bootlickers Disguise Bootlicking as Shoe Shining

Most folks have probably encountered a situation like this. You’re arguing on social media with some Lefty, and he copies and pastes some links he dug up on Google as evidence his point of view is right, and you’re just an idiot who hates fact-based rational thought. After all, how can you ignore the opinion …

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Warning: Transition In Progress

     The most dangerous time for the people of a country transitioning from freedom to tyranny is the period of transition itself. The events of the transition period are invariably bloody. However, those events are also educational. Once the opposition has been destroyed, the survivors are aware of what it will take to remain survivors. …

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Has A Super-majority Had Enough?

Because, as we learned the hard way in 2020, a majority is not enough. Come 8 November, the final scene below is the least they could do. So man the polls as you have never done before, because the enemy knows they have everything to lose. And so do you.

When Not To Forgive

     This Atlantic article has stimulated quite a few jeers and raised middle fingers from us in the Right…and that, Gentle Reader, is entirely appropriate:      We have to put these fights aside and declare a pandemic amnesty. We can leave out the willful purveyors of actual misinformation while forgiving the hard calls that people …

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Is it Safe? Part 1

The wannabe despot is a coward. Before he acts he needs to feel the environment has been well prepared before he makes the next move. The title of this series comes from the line endlessly repeated by the Lawrence Olivier character as he tortured the one portrayed by Dustin Hoffman in Marathon Man. Well, in …

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“That Can’t Be True!”

     The title phrase is a reaction, elicited from some, to the most “extreme” news. It’s the verbal equivalent of putting hands over eyes and screaming “Make it go away!” And sane Americans are having it ever more frequently.      However, it’s dangerous. What makes it dangerous is the word can’t, which is always a …

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Wanting And Not Getting

     (No, this won’t be about sex.)      It’s easy to talk fliply about “predilections” and “mindsets” and what they impel their holders to do. I’ve done it many times. Yet it often provides plausible explanations for the behavior common to certain categories of persons. While there are always exceptions and there always will be, …

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Connections: A Quickie

     A reminder: there is more than one sort of tyrant.      Not all aspiring tyrants are motivated by a conscious ideology. Yes, the most famous tyrants of the century behind us rose with the aid of a superficially attractive ideology – socialism, in every case – but history goes back more than a single …

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The Need to Defeat Those Exploiting Insanity to Achieve Total Power — UPDATED

RESISTANCE PRESERVES LIBERTY AND DEFENDS SANITY IN THE PROCESS. Only then does social cohesion stand a chance of returning, and the advance of civilization with it — real progress and not the regression sought by Progs. • Screams for diverse goals are identified by social engineers. • Owning the means to amplify screams, they persuade …

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If You’ve Been Puzzled By The War on Cash…

     …have a brief video from a British subject that will chill your blood: Rogan: “Do you feel like you are sounding the alarm for People that don’t understand what the Fuck is going on?”@MaajidNawaz @joerogan — Peter Lardelli (@QuestCovidTruth) February 20, 2022      Could it be any simpler?

Were He Not a Ruthless Killer, This Might Garner Some Sympathy

Some background first. On FB, Wretchard introduced an Elon Musk tweet to the video below with the comment: Some ideologies see ‘no people’ as the most humanitarian outcome. Naturally such a line caught my attention. Then this was how Musk introduced the video: Pretty good summary, although national pride is underweighted relative to economics. Latter …

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