From The “No Comment Required” Files

     If this isn’t a mask-drop, what could possibly qualify?

     Former Obama era intelligence officials, those who helped construct, organize and assemble the public-private partnership between intelligence data networks and supported social media companies, have written a letter to congress warning that any effort to break up Big Tech (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google, Microsoft, etc.) would be catastrophic for the national security system they have created.


     Citing the information control mechanisms they assembled, vis-a-vis the ability of social media networks to control and approve what is available for the public to read and review, the intelligence officials declare that any effort to break up the private side of the intel/tech partnership will only result in less ability of the intelligence apparatus to control public opinion.

     Read this old essay, and draw your own conclusions.


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    • Bear Claw Chris Lapp on April 21, 2022 at 10:21 AM

    It, is, truly sickening. To calm myself I at least have the thought that evil will one day be judged as well. That’s all I got.

    The israelis created pegasus. I am thankful for Assange and Snowden.

    • Chris on April 21, 2022 at 10:23 AM

    and there isn’t thing one we can do. Or will.
    And just to be clear, VOTING won’t fix it either.

    Match, Set, Win goes to Evil.

      • bill on April 22, 2022 at 3:23 AM

      I understand your pessimism but I don’t we should give up just yet. Voting may not fix it but not voting is total surrender. Keeping one school district, one county, one state out of their hands is better than nothing. The good news is that Biden is such a terrible president that he’s not likely to get reelected. Will we get another Reagan? Probably not. But it’s not completely impossible. And now that Facebook,Twitter and Instagram have been to be corrupt anti-free speech propaganda mills everyone should delete them and find alternatives.

    • Gray Fox on April 21, 2022 at 11:24 AM

    I have told folks for years that if Mother Theresa were elected to Congress she would be corrupted within six months.  It might not take that long now.  Gray Fox

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