The following pieces, which originally appeared at the old, Blogger-based Liberty’s Torch, are considered fundamental to the philosophy and orientation of this site and its Co-Conspirators. Others may be added over time.
- “Bring Back Our Country!” What we were, and could be again.
- Cause People: Anthropologists and sociologists, take note!
- “Compelling Government Interest:” A canard at the base of many others.
- If This Goes On: Our racial troubles and one possible outcome.
- Sapir-Whorf In The Saddle: the attack on our language is political at heart.
- “Too Much Like Work!” Our society “victims” could help themselves…but they won’t.
- Wastrels: Concerning the destruction of Americans’ ability to trust one another.
- The Conservative-Libertarian Schism: The issues that have united and divided libertarians and “orthodox” conservatives.
- From My Cold Dead Hand: Firearms and the American ethic.
- Dark Gods: The disembodied – fictional, really – beings that threaten America and its promise.
- Dark Gods Part 2: The War on Truth: Exactly that.
- Ultra Vires: Quandaries for Catholics and Conservatives: An exposition on baseline authorities for those two communities of conviction.
- The “Off the Mishnory Road” trilogy: Important divergences from contemporary habits of thought:
- The “Stupid Or Evil” trilogy
- Present Enemies, Future Wars: The threat Islam poses to the West.
- Tea Leaves By Twilight: A reflection on contemporary race relations.
- On Being White: Just what it says.
- Pragmatics: A demolition of “social justice.”
- Heroes: What they are, what they aren’t and why every society needs them.
- The Food Chain: What makes Christianity really different.
- King Cash: Money, commerce, and privacy.
- Shamans: One route to power over people is power over their language.
- “The Good Ship NEWF:” The nature of identity.
- A Cabal Of Its Enemies: Why a standing diplomatic institution cannot work as intended.
- Disparates: Why abortion is no simple matter of “a woman’s right to choose.”
- The Desiccated Remains: What is liberty?
- Gamblers: The essence of advantage in warfare is the appearance of strength.
- The Most Awful Day: When civilized nations abrogated the rules of civilization.
- Giantism: The enabling and sustaining conditions for “bigness.”
- Egos the Size of Cathedrals: What happens when Christian humility is spurned in favor of overweening pride.
- The Helix: Prayer and why it’s a good thing.
- Pieties: Every society has them – and to contradict them is an act of daring.
- The New Segregationists: Word gets around. Always.
- “We The People,” Who? Why a nation’s borders are important and not mere “imaginary lines.”
- Damage: A discourse on homosexuality.
- A Maxim, The Law, and the State of the Nation: Why is ignorance of the law no excuse?
- For the Feast of the Epiphany: The true significance of that celebration.
- The New Lunatics: An inmates’ insurgency.
- Principles and Politics: Why the former are important to the latter.
- Patterns: No, the fox cannot, will not, and must not “guard the henhouse.”
- The Manly Virtues: A burden men once knew it was their duty and birthright to shoulder.
- Bellwethers Everywhere: The Celebritarian Revolution: Politics by celebrity prescription is the latest attack on our polity.
- When It Came: A prognostication.
- The Calculus of Freedom: Philosophical underpinnings and discarded remnants.
- Licensure: The State’s best scam for taking away your freedom and selling it back to you.
- On Privacy: We want it – so why are we making it impossible for ourselves?
- Habituations: A discourse on the State’s use of “salami tactics.”
- The Forbidden Subject: Thou shalt not mention race…if you’re white, that is.
- Strifings: The State’s use of divide et impera to make us more ruleable.
- Owners: Who owns you? Defend your thesis.
- An Intellectual’s Duty: For the love of God, don’t elect smart people to high office! (No, not me, either!)
- Language Corruption Continues: The deliberate distortion of common terms for political purposes.
- Exclaves: “Nations within the nation.”
- Nightmares Of A Wine Enthusiast: Just read it.
- You’re Getting Colder! A debunking of “global warming.”
- The Naked Face Of The Enemy: Gaze upon it and shudder.
- Demographics and the Medicalization of Human Existence:
We are becoming reduced to death-and-pain-o-phobiacs. - The Nature of Money and Currency: A vital distinction the State is trying to obscure.
- The Nature of Money and Currency Part 2: Bimetallism and Gresham’s Law: What happens when there are “too many monies.”
- The Nature of Money and Currency Part 3: The Great Transformation: The devolution of the American money system.
- The Nature of Money and Currency Part 4: The Emergence of Banks and Banking: “The System” as we know it had to start somewhere.
- The Tirade Of Tirades: FWP’s call for personal, individualized, moral revolution, on which all other social and political improvement depends.
- Crisis: The Agar of Leviathan: How aspiring tyrants exploit crises to expand their power.
- What Are “National Defense” and “National Security?” Two phrases without firm definitions that have served the political Establishment superbly.
- Dictionary of Government Doublespeak: A handy guide to the weird lexicon your elected, appointed, and Civil Service rapists use to tell you that “It’s for your own good!”
- Life Stories: A brilliant young woman tells of her beloved’s conversion to the Catholic faith.
- Overheads: The critically neglected category of economic goods.
- Private Knowledge: Some thoughts about revelations and Christian faith.
- Tension And Habitat: Social forces during a time of increasing danger and intertribal hostility.
- Reason, Death, And Unholy Desire: When and why deterrence fails.
- Valid Argumentation And Expertise: Your guide to the follies of “Anything” and “Nothing” Authorities.