Here it is, from the irreplaceable Maura Dowling:
“Last week, our president decided to go on national news and basically disparage our state,” [Georgia State Representative Wesley] Cantrell began. “We have a new election integrity law here that we passed a couple of weeks ago, and our president, apparently without reading the bill, went on the news and called our new law, he called it ‘un-American,’ he called it ‘sick,’ he called it ‘pernicious,’ he then went on and called it ‘Jim Crow on steroids.’”
“So, in light of President Biden’s concerns about our law here in Georgia, I have decided that I am going to introduce new legislation,” Cantrell continued. “The name of this new bill is going to be ‘The President Joe Biden Jim Crow on steroids Voter Act.’ … This new bill will change our voting laws so that they mirror the president’s home state of Delaware.”
You’ve got to read the rest. This is the way to frustrate the Usurpers thoroughly. Ridicule, as Saul Alinsky has told us, is the unstoppable weapon.
Imagine the consternation that bill will produce in the Usurper White House.