Category: black humor

File Under “Saving Our Democracy”

From: The Media Think They Run The Country. Maybe They Do. Reporters have dropped all pretense of being concerned about democratic process. “Here,” wrote New York Magazine’s Jonathan Chait on the Fourth of July, “is what I think should happen. A small group of party leaders — say, Biden, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, …

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Flummery With Erudition And Panache

     The following snippet is from a column by Jeffrey A. Tucker, the founder and president of the Brownstone Institute. The column, ”What Happened To Intellectual Life?” appeared at the Epoch Times on February 26, 2024.      It seems that not even the specialists can tell the science from AI-generated caricatures built from utter rubbish. …

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Admirable Sentiment Du Jour

     The great leftist pronoun obsession is rooted in the idea that everyone has the right to vomit their feelings and preferences all about the place, but that others shouldn’t be allowed to offend them if they find them irritating. I don’t want to be a complete jerk, but I’m growing fonder of offending people …

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The Ultimate “Non-Starter”

     This requires no comment: Now they’re coming for your coffee. Swiss banker and World Economic Forum “agenda contributor”, Hubert Keller: “The coffee that we all drink emits between 15 and 20 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of coffee… Every time we drink coffee, we are basically putting CO2 into the… — Wide Awake …

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Let’s Play “Spot The Loony”

     [Seeing the sign embedded below at WRSA sent my thoughts hurtling back twenty years to the following piece, which first appeared at Eternity Road of fond memory. Be aware that the embedded links no longer work; not my fault. — FWP]      Heather at Lil Cup Of Love has a half-hilarious, half-ominous post up …

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Progressive Jumble [Update]

Have you ever taken notice of the letters that spell out progressive? They can be used to make many new words. But could it be accidental how many of those only or mostly convey unpleasant meanings? Vipers Grieves Grievers Gripes Gripers Gropes Gropers Pigs Spies I’m sure I’ve forgotten a few more. I will leave …

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I Think That I Shall Never See…

     …a better condensation of my attitude toward airliners than this:      Nervous of flying? Don’t be. As long as 2 million parts in a plane work perfectly while traveling at close to the speed of sound as sharp metal blades rotate at supersonic speeds in temperatures of -65 degrees 7 miles above the earth …

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PolSpeak For The Masses

     If you’ve been a regular Gentle Reader of Liberty’s Torch for any length of time, you’re surely aware of two things about my crap: It’s long, wordy, and circuitous; There’s a lot of it.      Well, that’s your humble Curmudgeon. I’ve had that sort of writing style all my life, though I struggle against …

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Attitude Adjuster

     You say your country’s been stolen from you? That the man in the big chair is a vegetable, his administration is filled with lunatics, and his son is a degenerate? That the “woke” military you pay a trillion a year for couldn’t beat Equatorial Guinea? That your throat is hoarse from hollering, your ballot …

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Your Morning Stupidity

     Just a little something to kickstart your day. However, some of it has a point, an edge, or both, so watch your fingers. *** 1. The Anchor Men On The IQ Curve.      From Divemedic, we have this:      …which – of course! – reminded me of this:      Yes, Gentle Reader: there really …

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More Likely Than Not?

     One of the enduring characteristics of the Leftist is that he refuses to accept the responsibility for anything that goes wrong. This is utterly evident in matters of public policy, but it’s also visible as regards personal decisions. Two graphics – one intended as black humor; the other a fake headline – illustrate the …

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Money Laundering 101

     Money is like matter and energy. That is, it obeys a law of continuity. Every dollar must come from somewhere and go to somewhere. Yea verily, even if the destination is an incinerator.      He who attempts to “launder” ill-gotten gains must respect that law. He must prepare to be called to account – …

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News From The Pinnacle Of Civilization

     I don’t know. Given the precipitous deterioration in male-female relations these past few decades, maybe this is the way things must go:      Seoul has joyous tidings for South Koreans who found their Christmas haul lacking a little je ne sais quoi: After years of being stymied by customs, the AP reports that citizens …

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The “Befores” (UPDATED)

     Courtesy of Ninety Miles From Tyranny, and in “honor” of National Grouch Day:      But of course, that was: Before the “New Frontier;” Before the “Great Society;” Before the Vietnam War; Before Watergate; Before the Arab Oil Embargoes; Before the Seventies and “America’s Suicide Attempt.” (Cf. Paul Johnson)      It was also before Richard …

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Yet Another Transition

     …this one from “You can’t make this stuff up” to “OMG, does he have any idea what he’s saying? Biden: People disapprove of me because they are psychologically unable to be happy — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 19, 2022      There are days I have to doubt my own eyes and ears. Well, …

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Sometimes The Laughs Write Themselves

     As, for example, in the Left’s reactions to the Abbott / DeSantis / Ducey relocation of a few busloads of illegal aliens to “blue” states: CNN’s fulminations. The Black Lesbian Immigrant’s “thoughts.” Fauxcahontas Had To Weigh In. Martha’s Vineyard “homeless coordinator:” “They’ve Got To Move!” Kamala “The Border is Secure” Harris can’t cope, either. …

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Postmodern Energy Strategy Revealed

Macron: France, Germany to provide each other with gas, electricity, to weather crisis appears to be remarkably similar to

What Is Fanaticism?

     As my Gentle Readers might have expected, I got a number of emails about yesterday’s piece. There were a few mild disapprovals (“too long”), a few strident disagreements to be expected a priori (“religion is for fools and the weak-minded”), and two missives I’d rather not discuss in detail. But one rather interesting case …

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A Comment On Contemporary Journalism

     Some Gentle Readers might have seen this joke in an “earlier edition.” ***      One fine day a young mother brought her toddler to the zoo. It wasn’t for educational purposes; she merely wanted her daughter’s attention on the animals so she could chat with her friends on her cellphone for most of the …

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Things That Shouldn’t Need To Be Said Dept.

     While this story is a few days old:      Two inmates serving time in New Jersey’s only state prison for women became pregnant after they had sex with a transgender inmate, according to a report Wednesday.      The unidentified jailbirds became pregnant at the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility after engaging in “consensual sexual relationships …

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