Category: media

The Democrat-Media Complex is hard at work

Now that Drooling Joe is not running, and Heels-Up Harris is crowned as the new American Communist Party savior, the media is hard at work trying to wash her clean, and gaslighting the American people. Luckily for us, the internet is forever. For example, even though we all heard it with our own ears and …

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Lots of “130 yards.” Why No Perspective?

We hear that the attempted assassin was 130 yards away from Trump. Why only that? Let me provide you perspective. Place President Trump’s Stage just outside the end zone of an American football field. Then the sniper was outside the other end zone up in the 15th row of the bleachers. That is about 150 …

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Media Duplicity

     Beware claims from major media spokesmen that “We didn’t know!” about Joe Biden’s dementia. Also beware claims that they didn’t know that he’s the most corrupt political figure since Caligula. They’re not in the business of reporting things that reflect badly on Democrats.      Remember this exchange from the 2016 campaign, between Mike Cernovich …

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     ‘Hoom, hm, I have not troubled about the Great Wars,’ said Treebeard; ‘they mostly concern Elves and Men. That is the business of Wizards: Wizards are always troubled about the future. I do not like worrying about the future. I am not altogether on anybody’s side, because nobody is altogether on my side, if …

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“I’m Not Watching This Show Any More.”

     Have you ever said that to yourself, Gentle Reader? Perhaps after the 2317th episode of some drama that once thrilled you, but whose writers and producers had apparently “lost the plot?” The onset of the condition can seem sudden. Yet no such transition from slavish dedication to “eff this” is anything but gradual.      …

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This Frightened Me Badly

     Not the image itself:      …but rather that not for one second did I imagine it to be a parody. That’s how far the once-vaunted New York Times has fallen from its previous state of grace.      Time was, readers trusted the Times’s reporting to be factual and accurate, but expected the left-wing slant …

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Compare And Contrast

     It seems that for many years, whenever an identifiable member of a Democrat mascot group was deemed the perpetrator of some heinous crime, Leftists would leap to their typewriters and microphones to proclaim that “Society is to blame! Oppression! Victimization! Deprivation! Marginalization!” and so forth. It was vital for Democrat control of those voting …

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I just love seeing it

And I’m not the only one. “Your audience has halved in recent years. People are not reading your stuff,” Washington Post publisher and CEO William Lewis told the crybully staffers who run around under the mistaken belief they are “journalists.” The Washington Post is going broke. I love it. No, I mean that I really really love it. The …

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A Reminder From Mike Miles

     Shamelessly stolen from 90 Miles From Tyranny:      ‘Nuff said.

Concerning NBC And Ronna McDaniel

     I sometimes wonder if my function in this life is simply to remember things others have forgotten.      The recent hiring-then-firing of former RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel has widely been treated as an unprecedented event…which it isn’t. Hearken to Ann Coulter’s narration of the media “career” of one Susan Molinari, former Congresswoman from …

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Shamelessness As A Political Weapon (UPDATED)

     The key political asset of our time is the ability to tell any lie, however outrageous or absurd, with a perfectly straight face: eyes straight and flat, no lifting of either corner of the mouth, and no tightening of either nostril. Moreover, the liar must be able to maintain that solemn-as-a-judge expression through a …

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Mask Droppings

     Now and then, the alliance between the Democrats and the media, which is usually kept on the Q.T., becomes too open, too shameless for anyone to conceal it. The following brief video is a case in point:      Turn the volume up so you can hear the “reporter’s” questions. She is trying to imply …

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The Narrative Has Parts

     Supreme over all other laws is The First Law: The First Law: Everything Has Parts. (Except the First Law)      For example, we have The Narrative, a thing of many parts, none of them particularly pleasant. Here are a few: Gun control works. Diversity is our strength. It’s not race, it’s “culture.” Minorities cannot …

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The Most Horrifying Possibility

     What comes to mind when you hear or read the phrase “weapon of mass destruction?”      For most, it stimulates thoughts of things that can wreak physical destruction. H-Bombs. Poison gases. Biowar bacteria and viruses. And yes, those certainly are nasty things we’d rather not have to face. But physical destruction isn’t the only …

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In Journalism, Probity Is Irrelevant

     A dear friend, Lynn Chesnut, has opined for a long time that “broadcast journalism” is inherently untruthful, illegitimate, and generally unnecessary. When I first encountered Lynn’s thesis, I was seriously disturbed by it. Is there an actual social benefit from American citizens not knowing what’s going on in distant places? Perhaps, perhaps not. But …

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Concerning The Animus Against Tucker Carlson For Interviewing Vladimir Putin

     A phony will always despise the genuine article. The overwhelming majority of the more prominent “journalists” of our time are phonies. Tucker Carlson is the genuine article. But beyond that, he takes risks and he strikes for the jugular. He goes straight for the most critical subjects of the day and leaves the trivia …

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Stop All That Thinking!

     Don’t think.      Don’t investigate.      Don’t ask about “sources.”      Don’t demand confirmations.      And above all, do what you’re told!      Your block’s political commissar will stop by later to see how you’re doing.

Who Needs A Ministry Of Truth?

     We have the mainstream media! Reid declares that “people have this mismemory of the Trump era” but claims that no wall (even part of one) was ever contracted. — Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) February 5, 2024      Herein lies the danger of “media pigeonholing” oneself. He who confines his news-consumption to particular streams that …

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Where The “News” Is

     If you labor in the news media, your principal need is news: i.e., things to talk about in your newspaper / radio program / television program / website. What will matter to you above all, therefore, is where “news” can be found. That, it develops, is a giant part of the maladies of our …

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How It’s Done

     Vivek Ramaswamy may not be our next president, but he’s a man to watch: 🚨 WOW 🚨 Vivek FLIPS script on Reporters, leaving media STUNNED by simply asking: – ‘Did you lie about Trump-Russia collusion?’ [SILENCE] – ‘Is Hunter Biden’s laptop Russian disinformation?’ [SILENCE] – ‘Did COVID leak from the Wuhan lab?’ [SILENCE] Just …

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