Category: communications

“I’m Not Watching This Show Any More.”

     Have you ever said that to yourself, Gentle Reader? Perhaps after the 2317th episode of some drama that once thrilled you, but whose writers and producers had apparently “lost the plot?” The onset of the condition can seem sudden. Yet no such transition from slavish dedication to “eff this” is anything but gradual.      …

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Why The Decent Must Counter The Screams

The Progressive movement has always known the importance of the scream. Conservatives have, for the most part, been identified as the base of the “Silent Majority.” Indeed, we’ve had it beaten into us as a matter of pride that “we are not like them” by high minded voices such as William F. Buckley Jr. Well, …

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The Most Horrifying Possibility

     What comes to mind when you hear or read the phrase “weapon of mass destruction?”      For most, it stimulates thoughts of things that can wreak physical destruction. H-Bombs. Poison gases. Biowar bacteria and viruses. And yes, those certainly are nasty things we’d rather not have to face. But physical destruction isn’t the only …

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The Chronicle of the DC: 27Jul23

Death Cult Chronicling

Despite many of Dennis Prager’s colleagues recently recognizing the continuing advances of the murderous globalists, he and Prager U continue to avoid making any direct mention of death cultism. However, the following Prager U video demonstrates the many tools of the death cult. Its aim is global, one country at a time. It is clear …

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Mention of the Death Cult Has Entered the Mainstream

I am going to keep this brief. Ed Bonderenka, today on WAAM radio, provided us with the story. Included are clips of two good instances. You can hear him on podcast — at up to triple speed if you wish — at this link (for the date 2/11/2023.) The two audio clips are from this …

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Accountability: A Conundrum

     From the most recent dump of Twitter Files:      38. Outside the United States, Twitter’s decision to ban Trump raised alarms, including with French President Emmanuel Macron, German Prime Minister Angela Merkel, and Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.      39. Macron told an audience he didn’t “want to live in a democracy where …

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Meaning What?

     It’s time for another tirade on clarity in expression. Let’s start with a little George Orwell:      [O]ne ought to recognize that the present political chaos is connected with the decay of language, and that one can probably bring about some improvement by starting at the verbal end.… Political language — and with variations …

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A Blast From…The Present?

     All the yammering about “conspiracy theories” and “denialism” that emanates from the Left has triggered a memory of a half-humorous, ultimately serious piece I wrote long ago. It first appeared back at the old Palace of Reason, on May 14, 2004. I reproduce it here for your consideration. *** Bytes Of Contempt When your …

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Is it Safe? Part 1

The wannabe despot is a coward. Before he acts he needs to feel the environment has been well prepared before he makes the next move. The title of this series comes from the line endlessly repeated by the Lawrence Olivier character as he tortured the one portrayed by Dustin Hoffman in Marathon Man. Well, in …

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A Spot of History

     This comes from FEE, by way of our favorite Graybeard. It concerns the first important communications development of the 19th Century, the telegraph:      In America, the first telegraph line was run by the federal government, from 1844 to 1846. As historian Burton Folsom explained,      Cave Johnson, the Postmaster General, argued that the …

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A Completely Uncoded Message

     If you’re not aware of them, the Electronic Frontier Foundation is one of the few organizations actively fighting for freedom of communication in today’s media, especially the Internet. They’ve made the unearthing, publicizing, and combating of threats to communications freedom and privacy their sole priority. They’re very good at it.      So when the …

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