Satellite Thermal Engineer, retired. My avatar: think what might be the inclination of Blaise Pascal over time in his constant moral plane. Apply that pressure (-_^) to mock those who think they are above criticism.

Author's posts

Pager-Gate About To Erupt

Headline: Thousands Injured In Mysterious Pager Explosions The opportunity to bash the Big and Little Satan is too good to pass up. Could it be due to the Iranian geniuses needing to provide new fodder for its globalist press allies? That question will never be brokered by the other geniuses who blame Trump for the …

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Fearful Heirs Of Critical Theory Now Censor Their Critics

When the Left initiated Critical Theory a hundred years ago, their thrusts were markedly subtle. They grasped small advances by posing questions of the sort “Are you absolutely certain what you have been doing is the best course of action?” Today hardly any of their movers would recognize subtlety if they tripped over it. One …

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Driving VZ gang takeovers out of news with reports of pet eating.

The reports of the gangs took months to make news. But once they are there, our heroes make an issue of not fully vetted rumors of cat eating. I have to question the motives of those who brought the latter to the attention of JD Vance and subsequently Donald Trump. The open borders casually malfeasant …

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Wisdom and Antiwisdom

What follows is a mostly reprint of an essay I published in April 2005. It is only a bit curtailed, and has had some typos corrected. However, I will add up front a distinction between these two words that only struck me since publication because it was not fully recognized back then. Wisdom and antiwisdom …

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The Chronicle of The DC, 2Sep24: Cannibalism

A Litmus Test For Death Cult Membership

Despite its lead in, the following video, tweeted to X, appears to be the recording of a Caesarean section live birth. Because of the words of the tweet preceding the video, I was sickened by what I thought I saw. The upside: there may be wisdom to be extracted from my reaction. And, believe it …

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His Mistake Was In Pleading Guilty

Here is what he allegedly gained from his admission of guilt. The judge arbitrarily decided to reduce his sentence from 30 months to 20 months “because you pleaded guilty to this serious crime.” Three Facebook posts criticizing UK policy is now viewed as a serious crime in a country where voter awareness of the consequences …

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Exhilarating For Your Spirit

Or in my opinion, it surely is. Wish I had the money to stand as strongly,

A Small Victory — Numbers of Warriors Matter

How would you like your purchasing rights restricted by unseen forces putting pressure on your financial institutions? Well, I didn’t. And for now I’ve put a stop to one of mine. It’s a dead certainty I could not be the only customer who complained. I have no idea who or how many, but I am …

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Lots of “130 yards.” Why No Perspective?

We hear that the attempted assassin was 130 yards away from Trump. Why only that? Let me provide you perspective. Place President Trump’s Stage just outside the end zone of an American football field. Then the sniper was outside the other end zone up in the 15th row of the bleachers. That is about 150 …

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The Left Always Preferred The French Revolution To The American — UPDATED

I always knew world history better than American History. I was misled on what I did know. I bet I’m not alone. It’s a fair bet this interview will provide all of you with startling new material. It appears “evil never gives up” still holds water. Our Friend Ed Bonderenka interviewed Daniel Greenfield on his …

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File Under “Saving Our Democracy”

From: The Media Think They Run The Country. Maybe They Do. Reporters have dropped all pretense of being concerned about democratic process. “Here,” wrote New York Magazine’s Jonathan Chait on the Fourth of July, “is what I think should happen. A small group of party leaders — say, Biden, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, …

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Providing The Decent Reason To Speak Up — Continued

My attempts to embed the one minute clip (31-32 minutes of the embedded video at the bottom) would not take. I suggest clicking the link below this paragraph so you don’t need to search for it. What Eric Kaufmann, a rare conservative social scientist, concludes at the end of that minute provides readers who …

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Mothers’ Warning, Dimmed

From the beginnings of our race, mothers would warn children of hidden dangers. Sure, they were concerned about the obvious ones. But nature provided us with instincts that propelled us away from the lion’s roar or the steep cliff. It was the disguised dangers, such as the hidden slime pit or the attractive but poisonous …

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Lunatics Have Taken Over No. 2

Appeals Court Revives Lawsuit Against Oklahoma’s Ban on Changing Sex on Birth Certificates. This series originated with the thought that lunatics were being given permission to take over. However, there appears to be quite a few people in black robes who any decent person would rather not have to engage even in casual conversation. Given …

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Lunatics Have Taken Over No. 1

Federal Appeals Court Rules Against Middle School Student Who Wore ‘Only Two Genders’ T-Shirt So far it’s affirmed that the title of this post is correct regarding The school The district The local court Some on the First Circuit Court of Appeals There is still hope that the infestation has gone no higher.

Shortsighted: Bill Whittle A Bit Too Cheerful

These new age war tools are particularly attractive to a tyranny that views its subjects as domestic terrorists. Additionally, their existence reduces leaderhip risk by reducing personnel. As in the number who are equipped and might turn around and attack the tyrant. Like the soldiers at the Bastille did.

Additions to Ace’s Skepticism

Disinformation Expert Ace posted the following: Biden “Accepts” Offer to Debate, With Special Conditions to Protect Biden; Trump, for Some Lunatic Reason, Accepts His Terms. After each of the news items he offered up bits of doubt, sarcasm and skepticism. For instance Your first offer is accepted without reservations! This guy wrote The Art of …

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The Chronicle of The DC, 7May24: Reverse Envy Hatred

First, the recent, frequent mention of envy/covetousness and the last commandment in posts and comments suggests that readers of Liberty’s Torch would want to see this. Certainly the commandment lists only material things, but it also says “not anything that is thy neighbors.” Often overlooked but no less a possession, is love, ability, power, etc. …

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The Chronicle of The DC, 6May24: Compelled Wastefulness

That one was on a dam in India. This one, on the plains in Nebraska, was destroyed by hail. Only in Utopia (no place) there are no storms.

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