Category: freedom

Desiccation In Progress

     [W]e are told that there is no need to fear the concentration of power in government so long as that power is checked by the electoral process. We are urged to believe that so long as we can express our disagreement in words, we have our full rights to disagree. Now both freedom of …

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So Much For X

     I had hopes that it truly had become a free-speech platform, but apparently disagreeing with Elon Musk about H1B visas gets you shushed:      Something very interesting and openly obvious is happening amid the backlash that Elon Musk and the Silicon Valley network are facing to their H1B position.      Effective December 26, Elon …

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The Big Giveaway

I’m going to struggle through one post this morning, because the subject is so important. The big “reveal,” if you will, that the State has gone totalitarian comes in parts. They don’t always arrive together, but once any one of them becomes visible, you may rest assured that the others will soon be upon you. …

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The COVID Lockdowns: A Remembrance

     In the summer of 2020, when the entire nation seemed to have gone mad with fear of the COVID virus, some Long Island retailers gave only lip service to the draconian lockdowns, masking dictates, and “social distancing” requirements. They published the “rules,” but put little or no effort into imposing them on their customers. …

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Reactionary Roles Have Reversed

The assertion of my title today has been on my mind for a long while. It deserves fleshing out. The reactionary tends to be the one defending his position of power and privilege. The following Brave Leo result was posed using only the traditional Left and Right as a basic dichotomy. It’s only a starting …

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Well Whaddaya Know?

     Freedom works:      BUENOS AIRES—For years, Argentina imposed one of the world’s strictest rent-control laws. It was meant to keep homes such as the stately belle epoque apartments of Buenos Aires affordable, but instead, officials here say, rents soared.      Now, the country’s new president, Javier Milei, has scrapped the rental law, along with …

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The End Of The Totalitarian Road

     Power is a drug that doesn’t sate. – Me.      It’s frustrating, having to make the same point over and over. Still, needs must.      When Clarence Carson wrote:      [W]e are told that there is no need to fear the concentration of power in government so long as that power is checked by …

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Freedom, “Global Governance,” and Islam

     Time was, we Americans believed that the success of the American experiment in freedom would inspire the rest of the world into choosing our way. Thomas Jefferson thought so, anyway: “The ball of liberty is now so well in motion that it will roll round the globe.” He wrote that in a letter to …

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     The evil of the State can be summed up in one brief sentence: The State does all things by force.      Whether it wields its weapons openly or merely brandishes them, force is the State’s standard and its only tool.      It’s typical of men that we strive, unconsciously, to blot out our more …

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Desiccated To Dust

     I’m in a profoundly dark mood this morning. I hope it will lift, but for the moment, you, Gentle Reader are the “beneficiary.” ***      To lead off, a reprint from three years ago: The Political Strategy of the Usurper Regime…      …is to lie. Continuously. About everything.      Two examples follow – and …

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Democracy Is Not Freedom

     [I wrote the piece below in 1988, in response to a request from a local newspaper’s editor. It’s highly relevant to the rhetoric of today. — FWP]      To many Americans, the names of the two majority parties are words without precise definitions. The original meaning of the word “democracy” has been displaced by …

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Plainly Stated

     And by one of today’s most eloquent commentators and thinkers, at that:      If someone wished to destroy America, could he do anything more catastrophic than what we currently see and hear each day? What would an existential enemy do that we have not already done to ourselves?      Fair use restricts me from …

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Evidence Of Spine

     I’m always heartened to learn of some indication that Americans are rediscovering their courage, in these times when so much has been done to make us furtive and timorous. This one from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho cheered me in two ways:      Christians in Idaho who had been banned from carrying religious symbols during their …

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Happy Birthday, America

     It’s number 248, if we don’t count the very first one.      Time was, I would print the core section of the Declaration of Independence here, as my commemoration of the original event. It’s one of the greatest passages of prose ever set down, and it deserves to be proclaimed all over the world. …

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Providing The Decent Reason To Speak Up — Continued

My attempts to embed the one minute clip (31-32 minutes of the embedded video at the bottom) would not take. I suggest clicking the link below this paragraph so you don’t need to search for it. What Eric Kaufmann, a rare conservative social scientist, concludes at the end of that minute provides readers who …

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At First I Wasn’t Willing To Believe This…

     …as the source, as we say, is no one’s prayer book. But I just found this YouTube video that confirms it:      If you want the text in English, click the CC button, then the * button and select translation to English. The automated translation is actually pretty close to exact.      For those …

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Surveillance Need Not Be Governmental

     A student at Exeter in the U.K. found out the hard way:      A philosophy student overheard through the wall of his room saying ‘veganism is wrong’ and ‘gender fluidity is stupid’ was threatened with expulsion by his university, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.      Robert Ivinson said he was disciplined after a …

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The Key Historical Animosity

     If you bothered to watch the video embedded below, you might have a few questions about this nebulous thing called “Christian nationalism.” I intend to address some of those questions a bit later, when I’m properly awake. For the moment, have a gander at yet another video, this one from the Land Down Under: …

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No Deposit, No Return

     Does anyone else remember seeing that on the label on a soda bottle? I mean, I know I’m old, but still…! ***      We tend to value things according to their costs. It’s a natural thing; we remember what we paid to acquire the item, and – perhaps more dimly – the work we …

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Truth At 200 Proof

     I heard some time ago that Javier Milei is staunchly pro-freedom – according to some reports, he’s openly styled himself an anarcho-capitalist – but I hadn’t expected that an individual who sincerely espouses libertarian views could become the head of state in a significant nation. Well, there he is, the freshly elected President of …

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