Category: freedom

Plainly Stated

     And by one of today’s most eloquent commentators and thinkers, at that:      If someone wished to destroy America, could he do anything more catastrophic than what we currently see and hear each day? What would an existential enemy do that we have not already done to ourselves?      Fair use restricts me from …

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Evidence Of Spine

     I’m always heartened to learn of some indication that Americans are rediscovering their courage, in these times when so much has been done to make us furtive and timorous. This one from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho cheered me in two ways:      Christians in Idaho who had been banned from carrying religious symbols during their …

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Happy Birthday, America

     It’s number 248, if we don’t count the very first one.      Time was, I would print the core section of the Declaration of Independence here, as my commemoration of the original event. It’s one of the greatest passages of prose ever set down, and it deserves to be proclaimed all over the world. …

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Providing The Decent Reason To Speak Up — Continued

My attempts to embed the one minute clip (31-32 minutes of the embedded video at the bottom) would not take. I suggest clicking the link below this paragraph so you don’t need to search for it. What Eric Kaufmann, a rare conservative social scientist, concludes at the end of that minute provides readers who …

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At First I Wasn’t Willing To Believe This…

     …as the source, as we say, is no one’s prayer book. But I just found this YouTube video that confirms it:      If you want the text in English, click the CC button, then the * button and select translation to English. The automated translation is actually pretty close to exact.      For those …

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Surveillance Need Not Be Governmental

     A student at Exeter in the U.K. found out the hard way:      A philosophy student overheard through the wall of his room saying ‘veganism is wrong’ and ‘gender fluidity is stupid’ was threatened with expulsion by his university, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.      Robert Ivinson said he was disciplined after a …

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The Key Historical Animosity

     If you bothered to watch the video embedded below, you might have a few questions about this nebulous thing called “Christian nationalism.” I intend to address some of those questions a bit later, when I’m properly awake. For the moment, have a gander at yet another video, this one from the Land Down Under: …

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No Deposit, No Return

     Does anyone else remember seeing that on the label on a soda bottle? I mean, I know I’m old, but still…! ***      We tend to value things according to their costs. It’s a natural thing; we remember what we paid to acquire the item, and – perhaps more dimly – the work we …

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Truth At 200 Proof

     I heard some time ago that Javier Milei is staunchly pro-freedom – according to some reports, he’s openly styled himself an anarcho-capitalist – but I hadn’t expected that an individual who sincerely espouses libertarian views could become the head of state in a significant nation. Well, there he is, the freshly elected President of …

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Self Destructive

One of the tidbits of knowledge that I’ve gained recently is that Israel, for all you see their Soldiers walking around with guns at the beach, or at a pizza joint, has severe gun control throughout the country. That actually made me stop and scratch my head. A country of millions, surrounded by BILLIONS of …

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The American Way to Resist

Courtesy of According to Hoyt. I’m inclined to think this method is uniquelyAmerican. ‘Course, I’m also descended from a LONG line of Americans of Scottish Appalachians, on my Daddy’s side. The term, cussed (pronounced Cuss-ed) applies to all of them. Stubborn, to a fault. I remember my Dad telling me of a relation of his …

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The Last Stand

     Apparently, what’s been widely rumored is true:      I listened to Sid Rosenberg on WOR radio [CBS NY], and he said he’s hearing that the masks, lockdowns, and other restrictions are returning. They are coming back. You must resist. They are changing America, and that includes taking your freedoms away.      […]      This …

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Targets And Guards

     If you’re a longtime Gentle Reader, you’ve surely seen this Clarence Carson quote before:      [W]e are told that there is no need to fear the concentration of power in government so long as that power is checked by the electoral process. We are urged to believe that so long as we can express …

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The Unattainable Country

     Apologies in advance, Gentle Reader. If I were to demand absolute lexical accuracy of myself, the title would have been “The Unattainable Condition.” But I decided to cheat a bit, in the interests of “punch.”      Everyone has his own conception of Utopia. No two are identical, which is why Robert Nozick’s gedankenexperiment at …

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On Non-Payment Of Premiums

     Have a few quotes from the greatest of all Americans, the author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson:      “The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it always to be kept alive.”      “I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a …

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The Great Retreat

     What follows will be rather lengthy, I fear. So if you have other obligations that mustn’t be postponed for too long, please see to them before embroiling yourself in this piece. Among other things, it will embed quite a lot of citations from other, better known writers. As I know this displeases some readers, …

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Inverting The Pyramid

     The news is quite static this morning, so I thought I might spend some time musing about more abstract but potentially more important ideas. If you’re easily bored by such things, I recommend surfing over to Sunny Skyz. That would spend your next fifteen minutes more productively than reading my drivel.      A great …

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This Coin Called Freedom

     No one can make a coin that has only one face. A coin will always have an obverse and a reverse. That property of coins has been used in rhetoric innumerable times. Yet among its implications is one that virtually no one has addressed: For all values of X: If you are free to …

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Freedom Of What?

     I have a great admiration for the Founders of this nation. Many of them thought more deeply about political processes, especially the innate dynamic of governments to grow over time, than anyone who’s come since them. This morning I find myself reflecting on the wisdom of one in particular: the celebrated yet underappreciated Alexander …

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Smart Tactics

     Clever tacticians know it: Strike the enemy at his weakest point. Believe it or not, that – not tanks, aerial warfare, or poison gas – was the biggest innovation that came out of World War I. Before that, nation armies would hurl themselves at one another’s strength, each hoping to destroy the another and …

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