Category: anarchism


     [The following discourse on anarchism was an early attempt of mine to outline the nature and difficulties both of government and of the alternative – i.e., no government – rather than to advocate either of them. When I wrote it, I’d already come to disbelieve in “problems” and “solutions,” sociopolitically speaking. However, I had …

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Parasitism, Freedom, And The State

     There aren’t many mornings, in these waning days of my life, that I find myself heartened and energized by something a relatively conventional columnist writes in a relatively conventional media organ. This is one.      Apparently, the election of Javier Milei to the presidency of Argentina has made possible the public exploration of ideas …

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Once again, we all knew the narrative was garbage

Saint George Floyd of Fentanyl wasn’t killed by the cops, and the four police officers that are currently in jail for his death were wrongly convicted for political reasons. A former Hennepin County, Minnesota, prosecutor is suing her employer, alleging that she was a victim of sex discrimination and retaliation. That’s par for the course. …

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“But why does anyone need a thirty round magazine?”

I don’t need one. I need seven of them. Standard combat load, because this country is going down the shitter and the civilization our fathers built is being discarded. Does that seem harsh? It might be, but that’s what happens when criminals are allowed to do what they want and the government encourages it. I …

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The Great Retreat

     What follows will be rather lengthy, I fear. So if you have other obligations that mustn’t be postponed for too long, please see to them before embroiling yourself in this piece. Among other things, it will embed quite a lot of citations from other, better known writers. As I know this displeases some readers, …

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     In Robert C. Townsend’s invaluable book of business advice Further Up The Organization, he proposes that every company institute a unique executive position: VP in Charge of Killing Things:      It’s about eleven times as easy to start something as it is to stop something. But ideas are good for a limited time—not forever…. …

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Tirade #2

     Stand back, Gentle Reader. This could get ugly. I’m about to vent. ***      Mostly, I eschew watching videos of more than two or three minutes’ duration. I read very fast, and I much prefer to absorb information that way. Thus, the time spent watching a video is almost always several times what reading …

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Allies And Enemies Of Nature

     A dynamic is a tendency powered by natural needs and drives, and the incentives that pertain to them. Of course, there’s quite a bit of static thrown about concerning what’s natural and what isn’t. However, the people who claim that drives built into our bodies and minds are merely the consequences of our upbringing …

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Why I Wrote And Promote The Spooner Federation Books

     Regular Gentle Readers have noticed that I’ve been indirectly touting this novel recently. A couple have expressed curiosity about it: “If you’re going to sneak pitches for your novels into your op-eds, why that book? It’s one of your oldest.” One, whom I know more personally than most of my other readers, went even …

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Conditional Property

     Have you ever seen the phrase above? I’ve encountered it only once, and that was in a fictional context:      “What made you think that I’d accept a gift of this kind?”      “It is not a gift, Mr. Rearden. It is your own money. But I have one favor to ask of you. …

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Just In Case I’ve Never Mentioned This Before…

     …there is a novel – a remarkably brave and optimistic novel – that addresses the possibility of an America without government. It’s clear-eyed; it allows that there would be some difficulties and some dangers. It also allows that such a project would probably have a limited lifetime. But it is among the most cheerful …

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The Tirade Of Tirades

Now the rainman gave me two cures, Then he said, “Jump right in.” The one was Texas medicine, The other was just railroad gin. And like a fool I mixed them And it strangled up my mind, And now people just get uglier And I have no sense of time. If you’re around my age …

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