Category: anarcho-tyranny

The Weapon

     Much of what passes for political discourse today is essentially empty. What’s discussed has little bearing on how the American political system actually functions: the forces that drive it, the consequences the interactions of those forces produce, and the responses of private citizens desperate to protect themselves, their loved ones, and their property.      …

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Lots of “130 yards.” Why No Perspective?

We hear that the attempted assassin was 130 yards away from Trump. Why only that? Let me provide you perspective. Place President Trump’s Stage just outside the end zone of an American football field. Then the sniper was outside the other end zone up in the 15th row of the bleachers. That is about 150 …

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The Message Is Plain Part 2

     I know, I know: I’m supposed to be off-line while my hand heals up. But this piece has been getting a fair amount of attention, so I thought I’d try to “complete the syllogism” before that has a chance to wane. Please be tolerant of any typos.      Just this morning, a gentleman at …

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Even Conservatives Move Goalposts

     Sometimes, we even forget to bring them onto the playing field.      FAIR WARNING: One subject of this piece will be currently illegal drugs and the proper legal attitude toward them. It’s probably the most contentious subject roiling the Right. Tempers often flare over it. Many in the Right, daunted by its seeming complexity, …

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Additions to Ace’s Skepticism

Disinformation Expert Ace posted the following: Biden “Accepts” Offer to Debate, With Special Conditions to Protect Biden; Trump, for Some Lunatic Reason, Accepts His Terms. After each of the news items he offered up bits of doubt, sarcasm and skepticism. For instance Your first offer is accepted without reservations! This guy wrote The Art of …

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The Chronicle of The DC, 6May24: Compelled Wastefulness

That one was on a dam in India. This one, on the plains in Nebraska, was destroyed by hail. Only in Utopia (no place) there are no storms.

The Status Nightmare

Sometimes I stare at the computer, listening to some meditative music, and wonder why things are so difficult, why it feels like every day is a Herculean battle against all odds, when the real story is just “I’m designing and building some UI for my boring corporate employer.” That’s something I’ve been doing for 25 …

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Can We Be Certain There’ll Be Elections In November?

I don’t feel so sure: “The White House is now considering declaring a national climate emergency.” “If Joe Biden declares a national climate emergency, he would have COVID-like powers. He would impose the Green New Deal on America without a vote in Congress” The AP is urging other news outlets to… — Wall Street …

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In Case You’ve Spent The Last Five Years In A Coma

     …this is what’s being done to you right now: If you’ve only got 2 minutes to understand how the Biden administration is destroying America, this is the video that you need to watch 👀 — Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) April 22, 2024      I don’t think he left anything out. Applause to my favorite tall …

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Disorientation Or Disoccidentation?

     The United States of America rose to world dominance for reasons that the bien pensants of academia would like to obscure and efface. Rather simply, it was the ideal of individual freedom, which unleashed the creative and productive energies of men as never before, coupled to Christianity and its ethic, which restrained men’s predatory …

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Oh, Come On!

     It’s all getting to be a bit much:      A memo by the F.B.I. warning of possible threats posed by “radical-traditionalist” Catholics violated professional standards but showed “no evidence of malicious intent,” according to an internal Justice Department inquiry made public on Thursday.      The assessment by the Justice Department’s watchdog found that agents …

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A Unique FBI Investigation

     Have you ever heard of the FBI launching a criminal investigation into the actions of a slain woman after her death?      I was astonished when I learned the details of the 62 pages of records Judicial Watch extracted from the Justice Department showing that the FBI opened a criminal investigation of Air Force …

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The Inversions Are Legion

     Some of them exceed even my capacity for fury:      The FBI trained personnel on countering extremism with material from the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), according to former special agent turned whistleblower Steve Friend.      In an interview with the Tennessee Informer last month, Friend recalled his experience at the FBI Academy …

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From Tolerable To Intolerable…

     …can be a very short journey indeed. Whether it’s possible depends on whether the State decides the protection and promotion of some human aberration would serve its interests. Buckle your seat belt and fold your tray-tables; this ride could get bumpy. ***      I’ve ranted before about how the politicization of transgenderism has transformed …

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The Anarcho-Tyranny Chronicles

     [Apologies, Gentle Reader. Another repost is upon us. I’m so frazzled that to produce something new would require an intervention from God. So please ponder this piece, which first appeared at Liberty’s Torch V1.0 on Saint Patrick’s Day of 2017 — FWP]      If you’ve been a Gentle Reader of Liberty’s Torch for a …

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Explain Why Obama, Admitting He’s Running Biden, Is Released

“The Obamas are RUNNING the Country,” says military historian Victor Davis Hanson. Barack Obama said he wanted to serve a third term “in my basement in my sweats.” And he’s “living his dream” using Joe Biden as a “cardboard person they cut out,” declared @VDHanson. “Obama never… — The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) February …

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I Can Hear The Anguish In This Man’s Voice

     Malcolm Pollack asks a painful question:      [I]s there no point at which kinetic war against people who hate you and seek to subjugate you is justified? As stewards of the American nation we inherited from our forebears to preserve and cherish, and now crumbling before our eyes, where does our duty lie? A …

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     Sometimes, the gags write themselves.      You have to be fairly old to remember this incident. It occurred during the first period of Sandinsta political dominance in Nicaragua. One of the few newspapers remaining in operation tried to publish a piece detailing Sandinista censorship of the media — but the regime prevented them from …

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Progress Of The Purge

     Courtesy of Maura Dowling, we have this outrage:      More whistleblowers have stepped forward to tell Congress that high-ranking FBI officials are targeting agents, specifically former military members, for their political beliefs and trying to force them out of the bureau.      A Marine and other military veterans at the FBI have been accused …

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The Days Ahead

     It’s become staggeringly evident – utterly undeniable without first denying the evidence of our senses – that those who wield the powers of the federal government serve an agenda that is opposed to the best interests of the private citizens of these United States. There is simply no other way to interpret what we …

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